Pages That Mention Cartagena
The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies [volume 1]
manufactures peculiar to the country, such as coarse trowsers, baizes, and blankets. Although it is some years since this province has received any mischief from the infidels who inhabit the mountains of the Andes, yet it has regular advanced detachments or guards stationed for the defence of the frontiers, prepared against a recurrence of the evils experienced in former times. As we have before said, it is the largest province, so also it is the best peopled, since it contains upAvards of 50,000 souls and 33 settlements, the capital of Avhich has the same name. Its repartimiento, or tribute, used to amount to 226,730 dollars, and it used to pay an alcavala of 1814 dollars per annum. The settlements are,
Cicasica, Mecapaca,
Coroico, Pasca,
Yanacache, Ynquisive,
Chulumani, Quimi,
Caza, Collana,
Suri, Huayrapaya,
Cabari, Coripaya,
Mohosa, Chupe,
Capinata, Milluhuay,
Ychoca, Taxma,
Coani, Choxlla,
Yaco, Chirca,
Luribay, Yrupana,
Haichayo, Colqui,
Calamarca, Plaraca,
Zapanqui, Ocavaya.
CICAYARI, a river of the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions. It rises in the territory of the Chappoanas Indians, runs n. n. w. and enters the Rio Negro.
[CICERO, a military township in New York, on the s. tv. side of Oneida lake, and between it, the Salt lake, and the Salt springs.]
CICLADAS Grandes, islands of the South sea, discovered by Mr. De Bouganville in 1763.
CICOBASA, a river of the province and government of Quixos y Macas in the kingdom of Quito, and of the district of the latter. It rises in the cordillera of the province of Cuenca, runs s. and enters the river Santiago.
CIENEGA, a settlement and real of the silver mines of the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate near the settlement of Parral.
Same name, another settlement, of the province and government of Santa Marta in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is situate on the sea-coast, and on the bank of the cknega or marsh which
lies close to it, and which gives it its name. It wag a reduccton of the monks of St. Domingo.
CIENEGA of Oro, another (settlement), with the surname of Oro, in the province and government of Cartagena, of the same kingdom, it is of the district of Tolu, and formed by the re- union of other settlements in the year 1776, effected by the Governor Don Juan Pimienta.
Same name, another (settlement), of the island of Cuba; situate on the n. coast.
CIMA, a valley of the province and govornraent of Antioquia ; bounded by that of Paucura, from which it is divided by the river Cauca just at its source.
CINACANTLAN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala.
==CINAGUA Y GUACANA, the alcaldia mayor and jurisdiction of the province and bishopric of Mechoacán in Nueva Espana. It is 80 leagues long from e. to w. and 60 wide from n. to s. Its territory is for the most part mountainous and uneven, and its temperature bad. Its productions are large cattle, wax, maize, and fruits. Tire capital is the settlement of the same name, of a hot temperature, and inhabited by 25 families of Indians, who cultivate maize and melons, upon which this scanty population consists, though it was formerly of some consideration. It has suffered, no doubt, from the iinkindness of the temperature, and from the wantof water. The jurisdiction is 80 leagues to the w. with a slight inclination to the s. of Mexico. The other settlements are, Guacana, Paraquaro,
Ario, Nocupetajo,
Etuquarillo, Acuiyo,
Santa Ana Turicato. Punguco.
CINALOA, a province and government of Nueva España. It is between the w. and «. of Mexico, from whence it is distant 300 leagues. It extends in length as far as proselytes have been made to the gospel, viz. to 140° ; and it extends to 40° in width. On the e. of it are the loftiest sierras of Topia, running towards the n. and on the w. it is embraced by the arm of the sea of California. On the s. it has the town of Culiacan, and to the n. the innumerable nations of Indians, the boundaries of which are unknown. This province lies between lat. 27° and 32° n . ; this being the extent to Avhich the inissonaries have penetrated. The temperature is extremely hot, although the cold is intense during the months of December and January. It rains here very little, especially upon the coast ; and seldom more than 3 p
tirely unknown to tiiis. Its inlmbitants lead a regular life ; they give without cxjicctation of indemnification, and are governed l!)roughoiit the ■whole tribe by the sounding of a bell. In short, they might serve as a model for all the other settlements of Indians in the kingdom.
COLLANA, another settlement of the same province and corregimicnto ; annexed to the curacy of Mecacapaca.
COLLANES, a chain of very lofty mountains, almost continually covered with snow, in the province and corre"imiento of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito, to the s. of the river Pastaza, and of the mountain runguragua. They take their name from the nation of barbarous Indians who live scattered in the woods of these mountains, which run from w. to e. forming a semicircle of 20 leagues. The mountain which out-tops the rest, they call the Altar.
COLLANI, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of the Jesuits in Nuevo Mexico.
COLLATA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Santa Olaya.
COLLAY. See Pataz.
COLLETON, a county of the province of Carolina in N. America ; situate n. of the county of Grenville, and watered by the river Stone, which unites itself with an arm of the Wadrnoolan. That part which looks to the n, e. is peopled with establishments of Indians, and forms, with the other part, an island called Buono, which is a little below Charlestown, and is well cultivated and inhabited. The principal rivers of this country are, the Idistows, the S. and N. Two or three miles up the former river, the shores are covered with plantations, which continue for more than three miles further n. where the river meets with the N. Edistow, and in the island formed by both of them, it is reckoned that 20 freeholders reside. These are thus called, from the nature of the assignment and distribution of lands which took place in the new colonies. But the English governor did not grant an absolute and perpetual property, save to particular individuals : the concession was sometimes for life, sometimes considered as lineal, sometimes to descend to the wife, children, or relations, and sometimes with greater restrictions. The above-mentioned people have, however, their vote in the assembly, and send to it two members. In the precinct of this county is an Episcopal church.
Colleton, another county, of the province and colony of Georgia.
Colleton, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish ot Todos Santos.
COLLICO, a small river of the district of Tolten Baxo in Ihe kingdom of Chile. It runs h. n. w. and enters the river Tolten.
COLLIQUEN, a llanura, or plain, of the corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is fertile, and of a dry and healthy climate, although thinly inhabited and uncultivated.
COLLIUE, a settlement of Indians of the kingdom of Chile, situate on the shore of the river Tolpan.
COLLQUE, an ancient, large, and well peopled settlement of Peru, to the n. of Cuzco ; conquered and carried by force of arms by the Inca Huayna Capac, thirteenth Emperor of Peru.
COLNACA, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Chichos and Tarija in Peru, of the district of the second, and annexed to the curacy of its capital.
COLOATPA, a settlement of the head settlement of Olinalá, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 29 families of Indians, who occupy themselves in the commerce of chia^ a white medicinal earth, and cochineal, which abounds in this territory. It lies to the n. w. of its head settlement.
COLOCA, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Peru, situate on the shore of the river of La Plata, and to the n. of its capital.
COLOCINA, San Carlos de, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena, in the district of the town of Tolu; founded in 1776 by the governor Don J uan Pimienta.
COLOCINA, some mountains of this province and government, also called Betanzi, which run n. for many leagues from the valley of Penco.
COLOCOLO, a settlement of Indians of the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the shore of the river Carampangue, and thus called from the celebrated cazique of this name, one of the chiefs in the war in which these Indians were engaged with the Spaniards.
COLOLO, a small river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs n. and enters the river Negro, near where this enters tire Uruguay.
COLOMBAINA, a small settlement of the juriscidiction of Tocaima, and government of Mariquita, and in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of the settlement of Ambaleina. It is situate on the shore of the river Magdalena; is of a very hot temperature, and
much incommoded by mosquitos ; so that its population is much reduced, and those that remain apply themselves to the cultivation of sugar-canes, maize, yucas^ and plantains.
COLONCHE, a small settlement of Indians, of the district and jurisdiction of Santa Elena, in the government of Guayaquil, and kingdom of Quito ; situate on the s. shore of a river, from whence it takes its name, in lat. 1° 56' s. The said river rises in the mountains of the district, and enters the S. sea, opposite the island of La Plata.
Colonche, a small island of the S. sea, near the coast of the province and government of Guayaquil.
COLONIES OF THE English. See the articles Virginia, Carolina, New England, New York, Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Nova Scotia ; of the J3utch, see Surinam, Berbice, Corentin, CuRAZAo ; of the Portuguese, San Gabriel; of the French, Cayenne, St. Domingo, Martinique; of the Danes, St. Thomas. (See general Tables of Dominions, &c. in the introductory matter.)
COLOPO, a large river of the province and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of Quito. It runs from s. e. to n. w. at an almost equal distance between the rivers Esmeraldas and Verde, and runs into the S. sea, in the bay of San Mateo, in lat. 58' n.
COLOR, Cabo de, a cape on the coast of the province and captainship of Sergipé in Brazil. It lies between the rivers Real and Ponica.
COLORADA, Punta, a point on the coast of the N. sea, and in the province and government of Venezuela, to the e. of the cape San Roman.
COLORADA, a river of tlie jurisdiction and alcaldta mayor of Penonomé, in the government of Panama, and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It rises in the mountains to the s. and enters the Pacific near the settlement of Anton.
COLORADO, a settlement of the province and government of Tucumán, in the district and jurisdiction of the city of Salta, and s. s. e. of the same.
Colorado, a settlement of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme; situate on the shore of the river of its name.
Colorado, a river of the province and corre^imiento of Cuyo in the kingdom of Chile. It rises in its cordillera, to the n. runs e. and spends itself in various lakes, on account of the level of tlie country. The geographer Cruz errs in making it enter the river Maipo.
Colorado, another, a large river of the pro-: vince and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana.
Colorado, another, a small river of the province and government of Santa Marta in the kingdom of Tierra Firme, which enters the great river Magdalena before you come to the town of Tamalameque.
Colorado, another, in the province and government of Louisiana, near the road wliich leads to Mexico. It runs s. e. in a very large stream, and enters the sea in the bay of San Bernardo.
Colorado, a cape or point of land of the s. coast of St. Domingo, in the part possessed by the French, between the bays of Tondo and Puer. .
Colorado, a mountain of the province and government of Tucumán, on the shore of the river Salado, and to the s. of the settlement of Nuestra' Sefiora de Buenas Costumbres. ;
COLORADOS, a barbarous nation of Indians, of the province and corregimiento of Tacunga in the kingdom of Quito, who inhabit some moun-, tains of the same name, very craggy and rugged, abounding in animals and wild beasts, such as bears, lions, tigers, deer, squirrels, monkeys, and marmosets. These Indians, although the greater part of them are reduced to the Catholic faith by the extinguished company of the Jesuits, are given to superstition ; they are divided into two parts, the one called the Colorados of Angamarca, since tlieir principal settlement bears this title, and the other the Colorados of St. Domingo ; they now, belong to the province and government of Esmeraklas, and live retired in the woods, and upon the banks of the rivers Toachi and Quininay, where the missionaries of the religion of St. Domingo of Quito exercise their apostolical zeal. The principal settlement of this place, being situate on the w. shore, is called St. Domingo. The commerce of these Indians, and by which they subsist, is in carrying to Guayaquil, the province by which they are bounded , w dod for making canoes and rafts, sugar-canes, achiote, and agi pepper, and bringing back in exchange cattle, fish, soap, and other necessary eft'ects.
COLOSO, a settlement of the province and government ©f Cartagena ; situate on the shore of the river Pechelin, to the s. s. w. of the town of Maria, to the jurisdiction^of which it appertains.
COLOTLAN, a settlement and head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Mextitlan in Nueva Espana. It contains 240 families of Indians, and is three leagues to the w. of its capital.
COLOTLIPAN, a settlement of the head set-
and government of Neyba in the kingdom of Granada. It rises in the paramo or mountain desert ofQuindiu, traverses and waters the valleys of Las Lanzas, and unites itself witli that of San Juan, taking the name of Coello, from a Spaniard of this name having been drowned in it. It then enters the Magdalena.
COMBEJU, a settlement of the province and captainship of Rey in Brazil ; situate at the source of the river Curitaba.
COMBERUI, Bay of, on the coast of the province o.i\6. captainship of Rey in Brazil. It lies between the bay of Tasay and the island of Gallo.
COMBES, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes, in the district of the parish of St. George.
COMBINCUMA, a spacious, and but little known country of the kingdom of Quito. It is full of woods, in which there are many wild beasts and snakes of various kinds, and it is watered by many rivers, all of which enter the s. side of the Maranon. Amongst the various nations which inhabit it is that of the Tontones.
COMBITA, a settlement of the province and corregirniento oi Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It is of a cold temperature, and produces the fruits corresponding with its climate. It contains 100 house-keepers, and as many other Indians, and is two leagues to the n. zo. of its capital.
COMBLES, Los Cinco, a settlement and parish of the island of St. Christopher, one of the Antilles ; situate on the shore of the n. w. coast, and in the part formerly possessed by the English.
COMBOY, a rocky shoal of the N. sea, to the s. of that of La Vivora.
COMEAPA, a settlement of the province and ulcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.
COMECUERO, a river of the province and government of Honduras in the kingdom of Guatemala. It runs into the gulf which has tlie name of the province.
COMETA, PUNTA DE, a point or cape of the Caico Grande, or Del N. (of the N.) on the n. e. coast.
Cometa, a shoal of rocks, near upon the n. e. coast of the island of Caico Grande, or Del N. and by the former point, from whence it takes its name.
(COMFORT Point is the s. easternmost part of Elizabeth City county in Virginia, formed by James river at its mouth in Chesapeak bay. Point Comfort lies 19 miles w. by n. of cape Henry.] Comfort Point, another point, which is also
of the same coast and province as the former, and within that bay, being one of the points which form the entrance of the river York.
Comfort Point, another, on the s. coast of Hudson’s bay, in the province of this name.
COMICHIGELES, Sierra de, in the province and government of Tucumán, and bounded by the sierra of Cuyo, in the kingdom of Chile. It runs from 5. s. e. on the shore of the Concara, and in fact follows the course of that river.
COMISARIO, Punta del, a long strip of land which runs into the sea on the coast of the province and government of Cartagena, between this city and the point of S. Bernardo.
COMISTAHUACAN, a settlement of the province and alcaldia mayor of Los Zoques in the kingdom ol' Guatemala.
COMITLAN, a settlement of the province and' alcaldia mayor of Chiapa in the kingdom of Guatemala.
COMITLAN, another settlement, in the province and alcaldia mayor of Capanabastla in the same kingdom.
(COMMANOES, one of the Small Virgin isles, in the W. Indies, situate to the n. n. e. of Tortilla.)
COMOCAUTLA, San Pedro de, a settlement of the head settlement of Zapotitlan, and alcaldia mayor of Xacatlan, in Nueva Espana, three leagues distant from its head settlement.
COMO-LEWU, or Rio de los Sauces, called also Gran Desaguadero. See Sauces.
COMONDU, San Joseph de, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits in the province of California ; situate near the sea-coast, between the settlements of La Concepcion and San Francisco Xavier.
COMONDU, San Joseph de, a bay of this province, between the bay of Concepcion and the island of Carmen.
COMOPORO, a settlement of the government of Maracaibo in the province of Venezuela; situate on the coast of the lake towards the e. part.
COMORI, Crique de, a creek and establishment of the French, in their possessions in Guayana.
COMORIPA, or Comoriopa, as some will have it, a settlement of the province of Ostimuri in Nueva Espana; situate on the shore of the river Hiaqui, between the settlements of Cocoria and Tecoriona.
COMPOSTELA, a province and alcaldia mayor of Nueva Galicia. Its jurisdiction extends from the mouth of the large river San Pedro, as
CON 505
purchase, obtained an act of incorporation, September 3, 1655 ; and this was the most distant settlement from the sea-shore of New England at that time. The settlers never liad any contest with the Indians ; and only three persons were ever killed by them within the limits of the town. In 1791, there were in this township 225 dwelling lionses, and 1590 inhabitants ; of the latter there were 80 persons upwards ot 70 years old. For 13 years previous to 1791, the average number of deaths was 17 ; one in four of whom were 70 years old and upwards. The public buildings are, a Congregational church, a spacious stone gaol, the best in New England, and a very handsome county court-house. The town is accommodated with three convenient bridges over the river ; one of which is 208 feet long, and 18 feet wide, supported by 12 piers, built after the manner of Charles river bridge. This town is famous in the history of the revolution, having been the seat of the provincial congress in 1774, and the spot where the first opposition was made to the British troops, on the memorable 19th of April 1775. The general court have frequently held their sessions here when contagious diseases have prevailed in the capital. Lat. 42° 20'
(Concord, a small river of Massachusetts, formed of two branches, which unite near the centre of the town of Concord, whence it takes its course in a n. e. and n. direction through Bedford and Billerica, and empties itself into Merrimack river at Tewksbury. Concord river is remarkable for the gentleness of its current, which is scarcely perceivable by the eye. At low water mark it is from 100 to 200 feet wide, and from three to 12 feet deep. During floods. Concord river is near a mile in breadth ; and when viewed from the town of Concord, makes a fine appearance.)
(Concord, a township in Delaware county, Pennsylvania.)
(Concord, a settlement in Georgia, on the e. bank of the Mississippi, about a mile from the s. line of Tennessee, 108 miles h. from the mouth of Yazoo river, and 218 bclov/ the Ohio.)
CONDACHE, a river of the province and government of Quixos in the kingdom of Quito. It runs n. e. and traversing the royal road which leads from Baza to Archidono, enters the river Coquindo on its s. side, in 37' lat.
(CONDE, Fort, or Mobile City, is situate on the w. side of Mobile bay, in W. Florida, about 40 miles above its mouth, in the gulf of Mexico. Lat. 30° 59' n. Long. 88° 11' a'.)
CONDE, a small river of the province and country of the Iroquees Indians, in New France or
Canada. It runs n. and enters the lake Ontario.
CONDE, another of the same name. Sec V E H D E .
(CONDECEDO, or Desconocida, a cape or promontory of N. America, in the province of Yucatán, *100 miles w. of Merida. Lat. 20° 50' n. Long. 90° 45' w.)
CONDEBAMBA, a large and beautiful valley of the provitice and fo?TCg7'??//f>«/o of Huamachuco in Peru ; celebrated for its fertility.
CONDES, River of the, in the straits of Magellan. It runs into the sea opposite the island Santa Ana.
CONDESA, a settlement of the province and government of Cartagena; situate near the coast, at the mouth of the Dique, which forms a communication between the sea and the grand river Magdalena.
CONDESUIOS DE Arequipa, a province and corregimiento of Peru : bounded n. by that of Parinocochas, e. by that of Chumbivilcas, s. e. by that of Canes and Canches, and s. by that of Collahuas. It is generally of a cold temperature, even in the less lofty parts of the cordillera ; of a rough and broken territory, and with very bad roads. Nevertheless, no inconsiderable proportion of wheat is grown in the low grounds, as likewise of maize, and other seeds and fruits, such as grapes, pears, peaches, apples, and some flowers. Upon tlie heights breed many vicunas, huanacos, and vizcachas, and in other parts is obtained cochineal, here called macno, and which is bartered by the Indians for baizes of the manufacture of the country, and for cacao. It has some gold mines which were worked in former times, and which, on account of the baseness of the metal, the depth of the mines, and hardness of the strata, have not produced so much as formerly they did, although they are not now without yielding some emolument : such are those of Airahua, Quiquimbo, Araure, and Aznacolea, which may produce a little more than the expences incurred in Avorkirig them. The gold of these mines is from 19 to 20 carats, and they produce from tliree to four ounces each cfljjow. They are Avorked by means of steel and powder, and the metals are ground in mills. The greater part of the natives of tliis province occupy themselves in carrying the productions of the valley of Mages, of the province of Carnana, such as Avines and brandies, to the other provinces of the sierra; also in the cultivation of seeds, and some in working the mines. It is watered by some small rivers or streams, which, incorporate themselves, and form t-wm large rivers. The capital is 3 T