12 THE CONCRETE AGE October, 1920.
Hillsboro, Tex.—Hill County Commrs., R. F.
Burns, Judge; grade, gravel surface 14.9 mi. High-
way 31 through Hill County; bridges and culverts;
Sept, 4; Bryant & Huffman, Engrs., Littlefield Bldg.,
Austin, Tex.
Jasper, Tex.—Jasper County Commrs., C. C.
Bfrown, Judge; grade 'l2. mi. Highway Bfrom
Buna to Newton County; bridges and culverts; bids
until Sept, 13; C. P. Hunter, County Engr.
Nacogdoches, Tex.—Naco,gdoches County Com-
imrsi., L. I>. Parmley, Clk.; construct 45 mi. highways;
jhids opened Sept. 1 ; Lamar Acker, County Engr.
I San Angelo, Tex.—Tom Green County Commrs.;
grade 10 mi. macadamized road; State Highway 9
land 9A; $200,000; W. D. Moseley, Contr., El Paso,
Tex.; MeCall-Moore Engineering Co. have contract
for drainage structures at $12,000, and J. E. Ward,
Da 1
las, Tex., for spreading asphalt surfacing at
Norton, Va, —Wise
County Commrs., Gladeville.
Richmond and Dipps Dist.; construct 18 mi. maca-
dam road, penetration top ; +75,000 available ;
O. H.
Beverly, Engr.
Richmond, Va. —City; grade alley from Virginia
to Miller
Ave.; +2250; Cheatwood & Dr’scoll, Contrs
Wytheville, Va.—Wythe County Supvrs.; im-
prove rock road; 10 to 12 mi.; +150,000.
Beckley, W. Va.-—Raleigh County Commrs., Jack-
son Smith, Clerk; construct 5 mi. Marsh Fork, Class
A, road; bids until Sept, 11
Neil F. Hathwav, Dist.
road Engr., Montcoal, W. Va.
Charleston, W. Va.—State, Jno. G. Cornwell, Gov-
ernor; construct roads ;
vote in November on +50,000-
000 bonds.
Fayetteville, W. Va. —Fayette County Commrs.;
grade 9V2 mi. road on Lower Loup Creek from Rob-
son to Ingram Branch; +134.000; J. M. Randish Con-
struct:’on Co., Contr.
Huntington, W. Va. —City Commrs. Mat. Miser,
Commr. Streets and Sewers; pave 6th St.; +7321;
Hocking or Dixie brick; L. J. Gillispie, Contr.; A. B.
Maupin, City Engr.
Lewisburg, W. Va. —Greenbrier County Commis-
sioners, Thos. W. (Shields, Prest.; construct roads in
Blue Sulphur Dist.; vote Sept. 18 on +94,000 bonds.
Huntington, W. Va. —City Commrs., Mat Miser,
Commr. Street and Sewers; pave 14th, 2d and sth
Sts. and 2% alley; bids until Sept. 7; A. B. Maupin,
City Engr.
Smithfield, W. Va. —Town; pave streets; voted
+15.000 bonds. Address The Mayor.
Webster Springs, W. Va, —Webster County Com-
mrs. ; construct 20 mi. road; earth; +400,000 availa-
ble; H. M. Bruffy, (Contr.; J. H. Hancock, Engr.
Wheeling, W. Va. —Ohio County Commrs.; pave
National Road over Chicken Neck h 11; brick
; (
90; Vincent Vercc-llotti, Contr.
Why Men Strive to Get Ahead
By P. B. McDonald, AssistantProfessor of English, College of Engineering, New York University.
The “Gloomy Dean”
Inge of St. Paul’s cathedral,
London, said recently in one of his characteris-
tic addresses that man is naturally so indolent he
will toil only to obtain food and shelter. He was
arguing against industrialism and for a return to
rural life, and was trying to show that the only oc-
cupations satisfying to man through inherited in-
stincts are farming and hunting.
Why is it then, when he has attained food and
shelter, that man continues to strive as desperately
as before? Why is it. after we reached the civiliza-
tion of our grandfathers, we continue to pile up
luxuries and garnishings? Why cannot we live as
Thoreau d:‘d at Walden Pond, spending nine cents
a day and working six weeks in the year? Thoreau
considered that he was happier in this rustic cabin,
with lesiure to ponder over nature, than the city-
dweller who works the year round and sees nature
only dur. ng two w
eeks of vacation.
Herbert Spencer, reflecting on philosphy in his
individualistic way, remaked that man strives for
position, and the satisfaction of feeling above others.
Sa d this ‘‘synthetic philosopher": “It is incredible
that men should make the
sacrifice, mental and bodi-
ly, wh’ch they do, merely to get the material benefits
money purchases. . . .
What merchant would
spend an additional hour at his office
daily, merely
that he might move into a larger house in a better
naner? In so far as health and comfort are con-
cerned, he knows he will be a loser by the
.'ml would never be induced to make it, were it not
the increased social consideration which the new
house will bring him. Where is the man who would
awake at nights devising means of increasing his
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