Bible House, Constantinople March 18, 1895
Dear Sir,
The Mohammedans of this city have lately (within a month or two) commenced to show great interest in a Turkish newspaper published at Bagcheserai in the Crimea, and called the "Terjiman".
This paper has existed for 13 years, but I never saw a copy of it in Constantinople before. Seeing it hawked about the streets and being read with avidity by numbers of Turks, my curiosity was excited. I bought a copy to learn the cause of this sudden and deep interest.
Herewith I enclose an article from this number (it chances to be that of Mch. 11), with a translation of a single paragraph.
To the Hon A. W. Terrell Minister of the United States, etc etc etc
The article in question is apparently one of a series and is abusive toward Europeans generally. The paragraph translated, is as you will see, an ap- parently incidental suggestion that Missionaries may be killed and their estab- lishments burned without fear of punishment for the crime.
The importance of this manner lies in the fact 1st that Turkish writers have a habit of conveying their meaning by sug- gestion rather than direct statement, and 2d that the Ottoman censors daily sup- press in Christian newspapers and books, sen- tences and even words which they think may suggest improper thoughts, even while admitting that the intention of the writer was en- tirely honest, and that having this understanding of their duty, they yet permit the circulation among Mohammedans of this encourage- ment to violence against Missionaries.
At this moment, in very many places officials are doing their utmost to make the Mohammedan populace believe that Mission- aries cause all the troubles of the Empire by revealing abroad outrages and cruelties which they have witnessed. I think it best under these circumstances to submit
this paragraph to you for your informa- tion.
I might add that the number of the Terjiman which I have examined is devoid of all that might attract readers excepting the one article quoted.
I remain Yours very respectfully H. O. Dwight
{written in a different hand, aligned vertically along the left edge of the back side of page 3}
May 95 {stroke} About killing of Missionaries - {stroke}