


Status: Indexed

Bible House, Constantinople
March 18, 1895

Dear Sir,

The Mohammedans of this city
have lately (within a month or two)
commenced to show great interest in
a Turkish newspaper published at
Bagcheserai in the Crimea, and called
the "Terjiman".

This paper has existed for 13 years,
but I never saw a copy of it in Constantinople
before. Seeing it hawked about the streets
and being read with avidity by numbers
of Turks, my curiosity was excited. I
bought a copy to learn the cause of this
sudden and deep interest.

Herewith I enclose an article from
this number (it chances to be that of Mch. 11),
with a translation of a single paragraph.

To the Hon A. W. Terrell
Minister of the United States,
etc etc etc

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