Schliemann notebook A15, pp. 137-139

These pages describe the excavation of one of the Shaft Graves in which the famous gold masks were found, and enumerate the objects recovered.


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[......?] [......?] [......?] [......?] [......?] [?] 418.25

Mycenae 25 Novb (Saturday) 1876: We began this morning the fol lowing tomb; that one over which was the cyclopean sacrificial altar; found there at once +the bones of a man and five large+ -a number of- bronze vessels, in one of which exact ly 100 large & small, beautifully engraved buttons representing spiral lines or (symbol); further a large silvered [cowhead?] (gilded) with two long horns of pure gold, which had evidently been stuffed with wood, for they were still now filled with half rotten wood. There was further found a heap of bronze lances and swords, some still retaining part of their wooden sheath; many had still remenants of the [?] wood of their handles, at the end of which was a bone or alabaster button well adjusted by 4 protruding pieces and by 4 perforations; all these weapons were in a bad state of preservation and the majority crumbled away before our eyes. Many of the lance-shafts had been partially preserved; but the wood cleaves and disappears. There were a very great many pieces of wood which had been gilded and a num ber of bronze objects like [wise?] gilded. Also 5 vases of gold; one with a pigeon on either side. +of+ these vases 3 at least were drinking cups. In clearing the soil from 6 to [11?] we found the bones of another [?] with immense bones; there were also 5 bronze vessels, one of which contained a number of silver vases and part of the goldones above referred to; also 100 large & small buttons. In all were found 9 silver vases, but only 3 of them - the one a beautiful [?], are entire. There was an innumerable

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mass of very small and a few large gold leafs; also a massive golden belt ofenormous size with the [?] to fasten it. Very curious is the packing of the precious vases and other objects in the large bronze vessel. Very curious is it also that the bronze vessels were all stack the one in the other.

[.....?] [.....?] [.....?] [.....?] [.....?]

[.....?] [.....?] [?] [?] 14/26 [?] 1876 [.....?] [?] 16

Mycenae 28 Novb Only today resumed work on the arrival of [?], [?], continued the excavation of the same tomb [we?] found the bones of 4 [?] persons, thus in all 6,. 2 of whom must [or?] all [?] be women, as I conclude from the wellness of the teeth and the [funeral?] ornaments. All must be royal personages for they were all covered with gold. Found there: 2 [?] with [?] and 1 large female comb of gold with teeth of bone many bone buttons a vast quantity of goldleafs 1 necklace of amber 1 large breastplate of gold

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3 golden masks which covered the faces of the [persons ?]; one of [them?] the face of an old woman as appears from the cracked and old teeth the [comb?] and other female ornaments; this body also wore the great breastplate; the mask covered the head entirely, whose broken bones are saved 2 small gold vessels 2 gold vaseswith 1 handle 3 handles of swords covered with gold plates [innumerable?] gold buttons of [?] 3 golden girdles or belts, 1 of which of immense length 1 small wine [jar?] of gold 1 large vase with 2 handles/[?] 1 large bracelet weighing at least 100 [grams] 1 thin [?] 2 golden fingerrings, the one representing a hunting the others a battle 1 broken silver vessel 1 golden helmet 1 small lion 3 large breastpins, one representing a [?] goat 1 vessel of lead in form of a stag with long horns large quantity of other ornaments 25 arrows of [silver?] 1 gold ornament of a [?] 13 larger kettles [or?] casseroles many small or large swords, some with alabaster, other with wooden [?] handle [?] which had been gilded also knifes no trace of iron, nor glass many brass [batteanes?] like those of Troy

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