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42 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at Dec 13, 2023 04:10 PM


we now proceed with the election of officers for the ensuing year and the place of meeting and that the president appoint a committee of three members to nominate the officers.

The president appointed architects Heiner, Tobey, and Tyndall committee on nominations.

The committee reported the following members for nomination;

President, W. C. Dodson, Waco

First-Vice President
James Wahrenberger
San Antonio

Second-Vice President
Cortez Clark, Dallas

Executive Committee _ J. J. Kane
Fort Worth. Chairman, Nat'l Tobey,
Dallas. A. O. Watson, Austin,
W. H. Tyndall, Galveston, S. P. _
Herbert, Waco. _

Secretary, W. W. Larmour. Waco

Treasurer, E. J. Heiner, Houston

The report of the committee was received and the secretary was insturcted to cast one ballot for each of the officers.

On motion of E. J. Heiner the ballot was declared unanimous.


we now proceed with the election of officers for the ensuing year and the place of meeting and that the president appoint a committee of three members to nominate the officers.

The president appointed architects Heiner, Tobey, and Tyndall committee on nominations.

The committee reported the following members for nomination;

President, W. C. Dodson, Waco

First-Vice President
James Wahrenberger
San Antonio

Second-Vice President
Cortez Clark, Dallas

Executive Committee _ J. J. Kane
Fort Worth. Chairman, Nat'l Tobey,
Dallas. A. O. Watson, Austin,
W. H. Tyndall, Galveston, S. P. _
Herbert, Waco. _

Secretary, W. W. Larmour. Waco

Treasurer, E. J. Heiner, Houston

The report of the committee was received and the secretary was insturcted to cast one ballot for each of the officers.

On motion of E. J. Heiner the ballot was declared unanimous.