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5 revisions
three4tx at Oct 22, 2023 07:22 PM


part ide...idel

I learned the other day, that you had reported
to the State Departm. of His Majesty's desire
to have an American scholar at the head of the
new commercial school in Court. Some gentleman
of our university intented to apply for it, and
I was asked to recommend him to you, but
I declined to do so, before I did not know the
candidate better. I do not wish to recommend
anybody except I can be fully responsible
to you for his work and person, and have known
him for some time.



I learned the other day, that you had reported
to the State Departm. of His Majesty's desire
to have an American scholar at the head of the
new commercial school in Court. Some gentleman
of our university intented to apply for it, and
I was asked to recommend him to you, but
I declined to do so, before I did not know the
candidate better. I do not wish to recommend
anybody except I can be fully responsible
to you for his work and person, and have known
him for some time.