H. V. Hilprecht to Terrell, April 4, 1895

A very friendly letter to Terrell from the curator of the Babylonian Section at the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, which comments on the political situation in Turkey, on some antiquities that Terrell helped Penn acquire, and on Terrell's own acquisition of two vases from Troy.




Phila. Pa. April 4, 1895

My Dear Sir,

Ever since I have the privilege of being frequently with you in Constantinople, discussing archaeological and other matters, I cannot help taking a heartier interest in all affairs connected with our American flag in the beuatiful city of the Bosporus. Every morning when Mrs. H. and myself glance over the morning papers, we first look for the heading "Turkey", in the hope of seeing your name. And many times our search has had sucess. Enclosed I send you a copy of a short notice contained in to-day's paper. I am sure His Majesty has complimented you highly upon your timely and heroic deed, and we all here rejoice in seeing you unharmed by the furious Hassan's knife and hurry to send you over monument congradulations. If you are going to accept any decoration, the Sultan would surely give you the highest order set in brilliants for the many gallant deeds you have done while in Constantinople. Your valued note of Jan. 14 would have prompted

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz


an earlier reply, if I had not become sick immediately after it--- a kind of complicated influenza. And after I left bed, poor Mrs. Hilprecht was taken ill, and she spent 3 weeks in bed continuously and is not quite well. You have had much trouble with Hamdy's diploma, and we are here under deep obligations to you for your many kind services rendered to the University of Penna. I received a kind note from Mrs. Terrell after I sent her the tablet with trans-- lation. So it arrived all night. I trust she is very well. She look forward for your visit in the spring. Our antiquity boxes have arrived some time ago in good condition. I congratulate you upon the fine two handled Homeric vases you received from Troy. Indeed such a piece is a rare treasure! What did you decide in regard to the collection he offered you? If you do not buy it for Texas, reserve the option for us please. Did you receive the copy of my book "Assyriaca" for you from Leipzig and that for His Majesty, which at your suggestion I ordered to be bound especially by the Court-Binder of the King of Saxony. Was His Majesty pleased with it? Without doubt, as you were the bearer of the little gift. I am very grateful for having received such flattering

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



reviews for its contents. Prof. Sayce of Oxford made the University quite happy by speaking of me in the London "Academy" as "the first authority in cuneiform paleography." If I did not know, how deeply you are interested in our success and in my person, I would be ashamed to mention this judgement of my work to you. But as the honour reflects upon American scholarship in general, I know, you, the faithful and best representant of American honour in the East, will appreciate every public acknowledgment of American work. After you have spent a winter of hard work for the American cause in the midst of all the Armenian troubles, you will turn your face homeward with especial pleasure. When do you expect to arrive? I hope, my letter reaches you in time. With Mrs. Hilprecht's best compliments and with a heart full of good wishes for a safe return to the shore of liberty, I am, my dear Sir,

yours very sincerely and gratefully H.V. Hilprecht

{curved pen stroke, under which is written} Turn

To Judge A.W. Terrell, United States Minister, Constantinople

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz


95 {in larger letters, to identify the sender}Prof Hilpricht

The (Assyrialogist){sic} who translates the language of the Babylonians AWT

I learned the other day, that you had reported to the State Departm. of His Majesty's desire to have an American scholar at the head of the new commercial school in Const. Some gentleman of our University intented to apply for it, and I was asked to recommend him to you, but I declined to do so, before I did not know the candidate better. I do not wish to recommend anybody except I can be fully responsible to you for his work and person, and have known him for some time.

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz
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