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11 revisions
aarushanand1013 at Sep 19, 2023 12:02 PM


in arguing in the morning if this

I will try for one narrow eating, and [loving?]
for the [legaleia?] building, an an expierment my [hand?] office
are at the 2nd floor ( [they?] are above the ground floor) on the
next floor above, are four [rooms?]- they are tea room. We

My reception room is {mi?} my office. My work office, and
I have {odessya?} {the cultigal} greed {wultie} it is suite
a near room- ? to ? any me - The other
adore my tea room {olianaha} occupies much his {?}


in arguing in the morning if this

I will try for one narrow eating, and [loving?]
for the [legaleia?] building, an an expierment my [hand?] office
are at the 2nd floor ( [they?] are above the ground floor) on the
next floor above, are four [rooms?]- they are