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6 revisions
oliviamartz at Sep 18, 2023 11:07 PM


March 3 1396
John A Aisiles
Aunsa? Ahae 13 Mease
Naut building homes
See Print
The Wali is sending today [by foot] papers clear of all detail
of the demands of the law in an ease?, and he asks the
Grand Vijien to obtain? for and the necesary famine in Lamtantigfle?
We are building on land ontide the city, that was farmerly
glam land. The law demands that when flow-land is
freed to building land it must be done by an Erade Sitnega
fall an order from the Salton himself, not simply from the
Gran Vigien. Please look into the matter and see
that the land is followed exactly in this regard. It may
be I am wrongly informed. Of couse if there paper
must be made out in Constantinople, there may be delay. To
send to out the Grand Vijien might send word by telegraph
to the Wali here to give us written permission temporarily, until
the fall fermiliaelan? can be made out in Constantinople and sent home
by fast. You may think I am unnecessarily fussy about getting written permit, ect. But I know that the
Wali has to withstand great opposition here in the maater of
our buildings and any orders of that kind that he can get
will strengthen his hands