John Ainslie to Terrell, March 23, 1895

A letter that seems to be from an administrator of one of the missionary schools that Terrell had been helping with its political difficulties with Ottoman officers, discussing the status of a building project and its allies and enemies.




Mosul, Mch. 23rd '95

Judge A.W. Terrell, U.S. Minister, Constantinople: Honored Sir: Your telegram "Grand Vizier has ordered it" came all right. A day or two later, the Wali received a telegram from Constantinople, giving a partial permit to build. He sent a telegram, asking that the let permit be made clear and full. A few days ago he received an answer to this effect, "Give them permission, only carry out the details of the law." One thing that the law demands is that until we get our houses built we must pay to the Government an equivalent of the tithe of the grain that wouldˆ be raised on the land we use for building purposes. Men were sent yesterday to value the land in this regard. The real value of the tithe is about 5. ps. They made it 100. ps. I can stand the extra 95. ps, but the meanness of it strikes me as something pretty small. The Wali had nothing to do with this. The Tapo Mudir bears the entire blame.

The Wali has told me over and over to go ahead with what I am doing preparatory to building. The Tapo Mudir told me yesterday to stop all work. I refused, telling him that I was working by permit of the Wali. The Cadhi (Judge) is our bitter enemy here. The Wali defends us against them all.

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz



The Wali is sending today^by post papers that clear up all details of the demands of the law in our case, and he asks the Grand Vizier to obtain for me the necessary permit in Constantinople.

We are building on land outside the city, that was formerly plow-land. The law demands that when plow-land is changed to building land, it must be done by an Irade Sinneya i.e. an order from the Sultan himself, not simply from the Grand Vizier. Please look into the matter and see that the law is followed exactly in this regard. It may be I am wrongly informed. Of course, if these papers must be made out in Constantinople, there may be delay. It seems to me the Grand Vizier might send word by telegraph to the Wali here to give us a written permission temporarily, until the full permission can be made out in Constantinople and sent here by post. You may think I am unnecessarily fussy about getting written permit, etc. But I know that the Wali has to withstand great opposition here in the matter of our building, and any orders of that kind that he can get will strengthen his hands. Again, our enemies are rich and powerful, and they may find means ere long to turn him against us. Again, we must always be prepared for the fact that he may be deposed at any time, and we would be compelled to treat with a new man. If we have a written permit in a our hand, we are safe. I hope you will be successful in getting what we need, without great delay.

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz


Please let me know by telegraph any important orders you may obtain for us. Of course I stand ready to meet the expense of such telegrams. Please collect through Mr. Peet.

We are getting out stone, digging a well, and doing other things preparatory to building, but have not begun to build yet. Do not expect to begin on a house for perhaps a month yet.

We are very thankful to you for your help in this matter thus far.

Yours respectfully,

John A. Ainslie.

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz


{written vertically perpendicular to the text in the letter: Terrell's brief information about the letter?} March 23 95 John A. Ainslie Ainsa(?) A.... 13 Mosul Wants building perms See Porte

Last edit 6 months ago by adamrabinowitz
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