| 3reviews for its contents. Prof. Sayee of Oxford
made the University quite happy by speaking of me
in the London "Academy" as "the first authority in
cuneiform paleography." If I did not know, how
deeply you are interested in my success and in my
person, I would be ashamed to mention this judgement
of my work to you. But as the honour reflects upon
American scholarship in general, I know, you,
the faithful and best representant of American honour
in the East, will appreciate every public acknowledgment
of American work.
After you have [?] a [.ist.] of hard work for
the American [cause?] in the [?] of all the [American?]
[?], you will turn your face [?] with
[?] pleasure. When do you expect you expect to arrive?
I hope, my letters reach you in time.
With [?]. [?] [?] beat compliments and with
a heart full of good wishes for a safe return
To the [?] of liberty, I am, my dear [?],
| 3reviews for its contents. Prof. Sayee of Oxford
made the University quite happy by speaking of me
in the London "Academy" as "the first authority in
cuneiform paleography." If I did not know, how
deeply you are interested in my success and in my
person, I would be ashamed to mention this judgement
of my work to you. But as the honour reflects upon
American scholarship in general, I know, you,
the faithful and best representant of American honour
in the East, will appreciate every public acknowledgment
of American work.
After you have spent a winter hard work for
the American cause in the midst of all the [?]
[?], you will turn your face [?] with
[?] [?]. When do you expect to arrive?
I hope my letter reaches you in time. With
Mrs. Hilprecht [?] compliments and with
a heart full of good [?] for a safe return
to the [?] of liberty, I am, my dear [?],
your very sincerely & gratefully
H.V. Hilprecht
To Judge A.W. Terrell,
United States [?]