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8 revisions
gorabep at Sep 14, 2023 02:23 PM


----. --. April 4, 1845
My Dear Sir,
Ever since I have the privilege of being frequently
with you in Constantinople, discussing archeological
and other matters, I cannot help taking a heartier
interest in all affairs connected with our American
flag in the beuatiful city of the ----. Every mor-
ning when Mr. H. and myself glance over the morning
paper, we --- look for the heading "Turkey", in the hope
of seeing your name. And many times our search has
had sucess. Enclosed I send you a copy of a ---
notice contained in to-day's paper. I can -- His
Majesty has complimented you highly when your timely
and heroic deed, and we all have --- in seeing you
mohammed by the furious H-----'s and hurry
-- send you over monument congradulations. If you are
going to accept any decoration, --------------
you the --------------------------------------- many gallant
deeds you have done while in Constantinople.
Your valued note of Jan. 14 would have prompted


----. --. April 4, 1845
My Dear Sir,
Ever since I have the privilege of being frequently
with you in Constantinople, discussing archeological
and other matters, I cannot help taking a heartier
interest in all affairs connected with our American
flag in the beuatiful city of the ----. Every mor-
ning when Mr. H. and myself glance over the morning
paper, we --- look for the heading "Turkey", in the hope
of seeing your name. And many times our search has
had sucess. Enclosed I send you a copy of a ---
notice contained in to-day's paper. I can -- His
Majesty has complimented you highly when your timely
and heroic deed, and we all have --- in seeing you
mohammed by the furious H-----'s and hurry
-- send you over monument congradulations. If you are
going to accept any decoration, --------------
you the --------------------------------------- many gallant
deeds you have done while in Constantinople.
Your valued note of Jan. 14 would have prompted