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7 revisions
cmh6492 at Sep 13, 2023 05:34 PM


Please let me know by telegraph any important orders you
may attain for us. Of course I stand ready to
meet the expense of such telegram. Please collect through
Mr. Peet.
We are getting out stone, digging a well, and doing the
things prepatory to holiday, but have not began to build
yet. Do not expect to begin on a house for perhaps
a month yet.
We are very thankful to you for your help in this
matter thus far.
Yours respectfully,
John A. Ainshe.


Please let me know by telegraph any important orders you may attain for me. Of course I stand ready to meet the expense of such telegram. Please collect through Mr. Peet.
We are getting out stone, digging a well, and doing the things prepatory to holiday, but have not began to build yet. Do not expect to begin on a house for perhaps a month yet.
We are very thankful to you for your help in this matter thus far.
Yours respectfully,
John A. Ainshe.