Judge A.W. Terrell,
U.S. Minister, Constantinople:
Honored Sir:
You telegramed "Grand Vizier? has ordered it" came all right. A day or two later,
the Nali received a telegram from Constantinople, giving a
partial permit to build. He sent a telegram, asking that
the permit be made clear and full. A few days ago
he received an answer to this effect, "Give them permission, only
carry out the detaiils of the law." One thing that the law
demands is that until we get our houses built we must pay
to the Government an equivalent of the tithe of the grain that
would be raised on the land we use for building ?? Men were
sent yesterday to value the land in this regard. The real
value of the tithe is almost 5. ?. They made it 100. ?.
I can stand the extra 95. ?, but the meanness of it strikes
me as something pretty small. The Nali? had notthing to
do with this. The Tafo Nudir? bears the entire blame.
The Nali? has told me over and over to go ahead with what
I am doing prepatory? to building. The Tafo Nudir? told
me yesterday to. stop all work. I refused, telling him
that I was working by permit of the Nali?. The Cadhi?
(Judge) is one bitter enemy here. The Nali defends us against
them all.