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24 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Jul 31, 2023 02:03 PM | |
Katie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyercpmorgancpmorgancpmorgancpmorgancpmorgancpmorgancpmorganKatie Pierce Meyer | 14PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, HELD AT BIRMINGHAM, ALA., JAN. 10th, 1893. The Second Annual Convention of the Southern Chapter of On behalf of the architects of Birmingham, an address of A recess was then taken. 2.30 P. M. On reassembling the roll was called and the The President, Mr. A. C. Bruce, of Atlanta, delivered the Officers, Members and Friends of the Southern Chapter: It is with pleasure I meet you at this our second annual convention, | 14PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION Southern Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, HELD AT BIRMINGHAM, ALA., JAN. 10th, 1893. The Second Annual Convention of the Southern Chapter of On behalf of the architects of Birmingham, an address of A recess was then taken. 2.30 P. M. On reassembling the roll was called and the The President, Mr. A. C. Bruce, of Atlanta, delivered the Officers, Members and Friends of the Southern Chapter: It is with pleasure I meet you at this our second annual convention, |