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13 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Jul 14, 2023 01:34 PM | |
21profession, [be?] it Resolved by the Texas Society of Engineers, that [we?] stand ready to endorse any measures that may be taken with such an object in view, and to give our assistance in every way practically -" Signed S. Haviland Moved by Mr. Heiner that the communication be read and ordered spread on the minutes and that the Sec'y be instructed to extend to the T. S. of Es. the thanks of our Association. Carried. On motion the secretary was ordered to have printed 500 copies of the proceedings of the convention, the roll of membership and schedule of changes. Moved by Mr. Wahrenberger that $50.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary be appropriated to pay for printing the Proceedings, [?] and also for printing the 1000 copies of Bill Regulating the practice of Architecture, the balance of any, to be applied for incidental expenses of the Association. Carried. The following report was r'ced from the Executive Committee, and on motion of Mr. Tobey, was adopted and ordered expressed on the minutes: - | 21profession, [be?] it Resolved by the Texas Society of Engineers, that [we?] stand ready to endorse any measures that may be taken with such an object in view, and to give our assistance in every way practically -" Signed S. Haviland Moved by Mr. Heiner that the communication be read and ordered spread on the minutes and that the Sec'y be instructed to extend to the T. S. of Es. the thanks of our Association. Carried. On motion the secretary was ordered to have printed 500 copies of the proceedings of the convention, the roll of membership and schedule of changes. Moved by Mr. Wahrenberger that $50.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary be appropriated to pay for printing the Proceedings, [?] and also for printing the 1000 copies of Bill Regulating the practice of Architecture, the balance of any, to be applied for incidental expenses of the Association. Carried. The following report was r'ced from the Executive Committee, and on motion of Mr. Tobey, was adopted and ordered expressed on the minutes: - |