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6 revisions
Eduardo Henrique Gorobets Martins at Mar 30, 2023 05:30 PM


tlalamatl qui[to?]
ma[ri]a, D[o]n Feliphe
chantes Yhuan Yni
namic Ytoca D[o]n]a antt[oni]a
ma[ri]a chantes Ynin
tlali mani Ytoca
quimaca Yehuatl
Ytoca antt[oni]o de la + [cruz]
teocuitlahua Yhuan
Yninamic Ytoca
Felipha sebas[tia]na a
huate de Yloas


Masa matl qu[?]
ma[ri]a? S[an] Fe?il ne
chan tes Yhuan Yni
namic Ytoca Santta
ma[ri]a chantes Ynin
tlali mani Ytoca
quimaca Yehuatl
Ytoca an ffo[hecho?] de la t
?eo cuitlahua Yhuan
Yn inamic Ytoca
Felipha sebas[tia]na? as
huate de Yioal?