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8 revisions | antonietta at Jan 16, 2023 08:11 AM | |
32THE SOUTHERN CHAPTER A. I. .A. Burke, T. H. Maddox, T. H. Morgan, D.B. Woodruff and Tom Wood. SECOND DAY - AFTERNOON SESSION. TREASURER'S REPORT. Leaving balance in treasury ........................................$ 53.04 Upon motion of Mr. Helmich the report of the treasurer was adopted and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes of the convention. | 32THE SOUTHERN CHAPTER A. I. .A. Burke, T. H. Maddox, T. H. Morgan, D.B. Woodruff and Tom Wood. Since both committees recommended Mr. Goodrich for President, on motion of Mr. Lind, Mr. W.S. Smith was directed to cast the vote of the Chapter for Mr. Goodrich, wich resulted in the election of Mr. L. F. Goodrich as the President for the ensuing year. A ballot was taken for the Vice-President, which resulted in the election of Mr. E. G. Lind as Vice-President for the ensuing year. A ballot was taken for Secretary and Treasurer and resulted in the election of W. P. Tinsley as Secreatary and Treasurer for the ensuing year. The names composing the Board of Directors, recommended by both committees, being the same, the Secretary and Treasurer was directed to cast the vote of convention for the Board of Directors, and resulted in the election of C. C. Burke, T. H. Maddox, T. H. Morgan, D. B. Woodruff and Tom Wood, for the ensuing year. SECOND DAY - AFTERNOON SESSION. 3 P. M. The President: We will now hear the report of the Committee appointed to examine the Secretary and Treasurer's accounts. Mr. Lind : As Chairman of this Committee I beg to report that we have examined the Secretary and Treasurer's accounts and find them correct. On motion of Mr. Goodrich the report of the committee was received, and the committee discharged. TREASURER'S REPORT. Amount collected from dues ......................................$ 118.00 Amount paid out for expenses of all kinds ................... 64.96 Leaving balance in treasury ........................................$ 53.04 Amount of outstanding claims of all kinds and not paid.$60.30 Upon motion of Mr. Helmich the report of the treasurer was adopted and ordered to be spread upon the Minutes of the convention. Mr. Wood : I desire to read a letter recently received from a Birmingham firm, which was evidently intended as a bribe, |