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13 revisions
anjali.k.may at Sep 15, 2022 10:26 AM


Withdraw (draw) his request for Mr. Jewett would do
any good. I declined to express an opinion, stating,
that I had no facts on which to base one(?), they
misintepreted(?) Italy would agree(?) deceased(?) a [Cerefons?];
and Germany would follow; That Russia would object
and perhaps(?) other places(?); that their entrapment(?)
was extreme, and they feel that is very(?) hard for America
to mean(??) they had in the first fear offered as a great
neutral favor, and been refused. Should now
demand an independent(?) [commi peace?], which
the Great [Paneny] Europe had not misled as
-and [neuela] mine to the [Faus] affect,

Finally, they announced that they could not be
persuaded(?) to Turkey give their minister final(?) answer,
Must be they [mustmedia] their minister near you to request
Mr. Cleveland to withdraw the appointment
of Mr. Jewett, and asked me to communicate that
request. I therefore sent the [Apple?] telegrams of
this date a copy of hid [ludun].
I have the heart to [wake?]
Your obedient servant,
AW Terrell.


Withdraw (draw) his request for Mr. Jewett would do
any good. I declined to express an opinion, stating,
that I had no facts on which to base one(?), they
misintepreted(?) Italy would agree(?) deceased(?) a [Cerefons?];
and Germany would follow; That Russia would object
and perhaps(?) other places(?); that their entrapment(?)
was extreme, and they feel that is very(?) hard for America
to mean(??) they had in the first fear offered as a great
neutral favor, and been refused. Should now
demand an independent(?) [commi peace?], which
the Great [Paneny] Europe had not misled as
-and [neuela] mine to the [Faus] affect,

Finally, they announced that they could not be
persuaded(?) to Turkey give their minister final(?) answer,
Must be they [mustmedia] their minister near you to request
Mr. Cleveland to withdraw the appointment
of Mr. Jewett, and asked me to communicate that
request. I therefore sent the [Apple?] telegrams of
this date a copy of hid [ludun].
I have the heart to [wake?]
Your obedient servant,
AW Terrell.