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11 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Aug 31, 2022 03:35 PM



prejudice against this Sultan has dis-
appointed more than one gentleman here,
who expressed the desire that I "drive him
with a club
"; but until the President modifies
his last injunction to me, viz. "dont get me in
trouble over there and protect the Missionaries
, or until rule 30 of my personal instructions
is changed, I must disregard the criticisms
of those to whom I am not responsible._

So intelligent a gentleman as Dr
must see how dangerous it would be
for the foreign policy of our Government at
this post to be dictated by Missionary
Agencies. If their judgment should controll {sic}
my action, then the President should have
a Missionary for Minister, instead of

Dr Smith must also realize how
dangerous it would be for Missionaries


prejudice against this [Dr?] has dis-
appointed WM thaw one gentleman here
who expressed the desire that I "drive him
[Dr?] a Club"; but [Dr?] The President modifies
his last [Dr?] to the [Dr?] "don't get me in
.trouble over these and protect the [Dr?]
or [Dr?] [Dr?] 30 of my pemal [Dr?]
in changed, I must disregard the critisisms
of those to [Dr?] I am not responsible--

As intelligent a gentleman as Dr
Smith must see how dangerous it would be
for the foreign policy of our government
this past to be diclared by mipionary [Dr?]
agencies. If their judgement should enthrall
my action, then the President Should have
a [Dr?] for Minister, instead of myself.

Dr Smith must also realize how
dangerous it would be for [Dr?]