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34 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at Apr 27, 2022 03:16 PM


List of members in arreas for
due for the year 1899 & 90

[Alfred] Albert T. Beckman //note// Pd.
Cortez Clark
Geo E. Vickery //note// Pd.
Sam. P. Herbert //note// Pd.
Geo. E. King
Oscar Ruffini //note// Pd.
W. H. Tyndale
[Fry. ?] M. Tozer
Albert Ullrich [?] //note// Pd.
J Wiley Gordon. //note// Pd.

Mentions paid dues and in hand of the
J.J. Kane 5.00
F. W. Kane 5.00
Geo. S. Kane 5.00
A. D. Watson 5.00

WW Larmour
Secty. T.S.A.A.
May 10/90


List of members in arreas for
due for the year 1899 & 90

Albert T. Beckman //note// Pd.
Corlitz Clark
Geo E. Vickery //note// Pd.
Sam. P. Herbert //note// Pd.
Geo. E. King
Oscar Ruffini //note// Pd.
W. H. Tyndale
[Fry. ?] M. Tozer
Albert Ullrich. //note// Pd.
J Wiley Gordon. //note// Pd.

Mentions paid dues and in hand of the
J.J. Kane 500
F. W. Kane 500
Geo. S. Kane 500
A. D. Watson 500

WW Larmour
Secty. T.S.A.A.
May 10/90