Texas State Association of Architects Expenses-Dues





Waco May 13th 1890

To the Executive Committee of the TSAA the following is the disbursements of the Secretary for the year 1889, 1890

By [amount] of [??] [Pres.] W.C. Dodson 75.00
On hand from [amount] not turned over to Treas. 20.00
To [Lakes] of Proceedings 300 copies each day 20.00
" Extra notices 3.00
" Telegram R.C. McLean .75
" E.T. Heiner .40
Postage 1.00
1000 [Act] Legislature 15.00
[Expensage an acts] .35
500 Copies minutes 20.00
Postage on proceedings 3.60
Stationary 3.55
Postage 1.00
Notice [or or on?] [unit...?] San Antonio 5.50
Ballance [Balance] on hand 20.85
$95.00 $95.00
W.W. Larmour Secty Texas.S.A.A.

Apr J. J. Kane

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Last edit 7 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


List of members in arrears for due for the year 1899 & 90

[Alfred] Albert F. Beckmann //note// Pd. Cortez Clark Geo E. Vickey //note// Pd. Sam. P. Herbert //note// Pd. Geo. E. King Oscar Ruffini //note// Pd. W. H. Tyndall Guy M. Tozer Albert Ullrich //note// Pd. J Wiley Gordon. //note// Pd.

Mentions paid dues and in hand of the secretary J.J. Kane 5.00 F.W. Kane 5.00 Geo. S. Kane 5.00 A.O. Watson 5.00 20.00

WW Larmour Secty. T.S.A.A. May 10/90

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Last edit 3 months ago by Katie Pierce Meyer


Secretary Report May 13st 1890

Last edit about 2 years ago by Katie Pierce Meyer
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