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6 revisions
deedee9753 at Dec 10, 2021 02:07 PM


ko'xeeřa 'küčüřa -- The child is not being bathed.
uni ta'kwali na 'šiʔi -- Three deceased boys.
'ndakoo 'kibi ti'kwįį -- How will the mosquito die?
'žo na 'xaʔni 'ñaka -- Who killed her?
na'kuuřa žu 'čiti 'čiwařa -- The boy hit his sister in the nose.

ko'xeeřa 'küčüřa -- No se esta banando el nino
uni ta'kwali na 'šiʔi -- tres difuntos chicos
'ndakoo 'kibi ti'kwįį -- ¿Cómo morirá el mosquito?
'žo na 'xaʔni 'ñaka -- ¿Quién la mató?
na'kuuřa žu 'čiti 'čiwařa -- El muchacho pego en la nariz a subermana


ko'xeeřa 'küčüřa -- The child is not being bathed.
uni ta'kwali na 'šiʔi -- Three deceased boys.
'ndakoo 'kibi ti'kwįį -- How will the mosquito die?
'žo na 'xaʔni 'ñaka -- Who killed her?
na'kuuřa žu 'čiti 'čiwařa -- The boy hit his sister in the nose.