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8 revisions
abigail.vankeer at Sep 09, 2021 11:34 AM


that the [Sultan's?] [....] for a Christian
College "was not consistent with the idea
that he approves atrocities on Christians"
The two things, I thought, were inconsistent.
I think So [Still?]

This was the "promise" mentioned
in my letter to Miss Patrick, this the "good
bargain," of the [Sultan?] with "our Minister"
, made after full notice that the [wide?]
had already [issued?]

The statement in my letter [.z?] "if in the
flush of my pleasure I prommised{sic} too much, [...e?]"
should have informed so intelligent a
gentlemen as Dr [Sumitto?], that the prommise{sic}
refered to, was voluntarily made after accomplishing
something [pleasant?]; and not a "good bargain"
that the [Sultan?] "drove" with, "our Minister"
Consider my Surroundings! All [Missionaries?]
here are suspected, as promoters of sedition.


that the [Sultan's?] [...?] for a Christian
College "was not consistent with the idea
that he [approves?] [atrocities?] on Christians"
The two things, I thought, were inconsistent.
I think So [Still?]

This was the "promise" mentioned
in my letter to [wip?] Patrick, this the "good
[bargain?]," of the [Sultan?] with "our Minister"
, made after full notice [that?] the [wide?]
had already [pened?]

The statement in my letter [...z?] "if in the
flush of my pleasure I prommised too much, [...e?]"
should have [informed?] so intelligent a
gentlemen as Dr [Sumitto?], that the [prommise?]
refered to, was voluntarily made after accomplishing
something [pleasant?]; and not a "good bargain"
that the [Sultan?] "drove" with, "our Minister"
Consider my