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12 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Aug 30, 2021 01:38 PM



Legation of the United States
Constantinople Febry 15 1895

To the Honorable Walter Q. Gresham,
Secretary of State -
Washington, D.C.


At this semi-barbaric court where
so much depends on ceremonials, I have
the honor to inform you of an embarassing
condition of things, affecting myself.

The European idea that Ambassadors
must in all things take precedence of
Ministers, because of the ˆfact that fact idea that they
represent the person of the Sovereign, ex-
ists here in full force. So that, if I have
waited for an hour in the ante-room
for an audience, until another has -



Legatine of the United States
Constantinople Febry 15 1895

To the Honorable Walter. Q. Gresham,
Secretary of State -
Washington, D.C.


At this semi-barbaric court where
So much depends on ceremonials, I have
The honor to inform you of an embarassing
Condition of things, affecting myself.

The European idea that ambassadors
must in all things take precedence of
Ministers, because of the fact that they
represent the person of the Sovereign; ex-
ists here in full force - so that, if I have
waited for all hour in the ante-room
for an audience, until another has -