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12 revisions
kathrynculpepper88 at Feb 09, 2021 05:49 AM


To avoid this impressive condition
of offairs, I have until recently been (?)
to visit the (?) (?) days not designated
a menu on which foreign (?) may be
received. But (?) (?) (?) go (?)
every day in the week, and yesterday my
humiliation was extreme when after waiting
for an hour on the British ambassador,
the Austrian came just as I was about to
be received. He was late, so I hoped (?)
(?) tho (?) g officers who guarded
the (?), each knowing that the waited Italy
must defer to Austria
I do not ask that this shall be remedied
by creating me an ambassador. Then
are reasons only I think that if in


To avoid this impressive condition
of offain, I have (?) (?) been (?)
to besir the prison days not designated
a menu on which foreign (?) may be
received. But (?) (?) (?) go (?)
every day in the week, and yesterday my
humiliation was extreme when after waiting
for an hour on the British ambassador,
the Austrian came just as I was about to
be received. He was late, so I hoped (?)
(?) tho (?) g officers who guarded
the (?), each knowing that the waited Italy
must defer to Austria
I do not ask that this shall be remedied
by creating me an ambassador. Then
are reasons only I think that if in