which are to be installed in public or private buildings, in which arch-
itecture and electricity are alike advancing, hand in hand.
The President: The Secretary has a paper written by Mr.
M. J. Dimmock, of Richmond, Va., on "The Practice of
Builders Making and Furnishing So-Called 'Architectural
Drawings.'" Mr. Dimmock's essay was read by Mr. W. E.
Hall, of Winston, N. C.
Mr. President:
This is a matter which concerns the profession of architecture gener-
ally, but more particularly does it interest those who are located and
practising in the smaller cities and towns where the evil is the greatest.
The Southern States in the past were strictly an agricultural district,
and consequently the cities were few and the plantations large, and
there was little which led to the study of architecture, and the buildings
partook more of the practical than the artistic in design. There were
public buildings and many planters' houses which were admirable in de-
sign and were planned to suit the wants and requirements of the day
and climate, and someof these are to-day worthy of study.
But a new condition of affairs now exists, and the new South has be-
come manufacturing as well as agricultural; and, as a consequence, her
cities are growing and new towns have sprung into existence, and so
new architectural conditions are required. The resources of the South
are being rapidly developed, and capital from home and abroad is seek-
ing investment. Great business schemes are projected; and it is a
recognized fact that after maturing a scheme when the planning and
erection of buildings is necessary, the first thing to be done by the pro-
jectors is to secure the professionalservices of an architect--one in whom
all confidence is reposed--to advise with and prepare the plans, etc., of
a building which shall fill all the requirements of the special scheme,
not only as to arrangement of plan, but also as to appropriateness and
beauty of design, and which shall not fall short, but surpass, if possible,
other buildings of a similar character. This is a recognized business
proceedure and the only proper mode of carrying out the scheme in
hand. Now to find this architect and advisor, one must first look for an
educated man in his profession, and one who has had experience in all
matters pertaining thereto and is able to study and solve the problem
given him in a careful and business-like manner in all its details; and
the architect, to do this, must have years of study and long experience,
and a certain aptness for his profession, coupled with decision of charac-
ter and a gentlemanly bearing, which are all necessary for success,
These qualifications it would be unreasonable to expect in a builder
who has neither had the time nor means of study, and whose early man-
hood has been spent in the details of probably but one branch of the | 2926 THE SOUTHERN CHAPTER, A. I. A.
which are to be installed in public or private buildings, in which arch-
itecture and electricity are alike advancing, hand in hand.
The President: The Secretary has a paper written by Mr.
M. J. Dimmock, of Richmond (Va.)Richmond, Va., on "The Practice of
Builders Making and Furnishing So-Called 'Architectural
Drawings.'" Mr. Dimmock's essay was read by Mr. W. E.
Hall, of Winston, N. C.
Mr. President:
This is a matter which concerns the profession of architecture gener-
ally, but more particularly does it interest those who are located and
practising in the smaller cities and towns where the evil is the greatest.
The Southern States in the past were strictly an agricultural district,
and consequently the cities were few and the plantations large, and
there was little which led to the study of architecture, and the buildings
partook more of the practical than the artistic in design. There were
public buildings and many planters' houses which were admirable in de-
sign and were planned to suit the wants and requirements of the day
and climate, and someof these are to-day worthy of study.
But a new condition of affairs now exists, and the new South has be-
come manufacturing as well as agricultural; and, as a consequence, her
cities are growing and new towns have sprung into existence, and so
new architectural conditions are required. The resources of the South
are being rapidly developed, and capital from home and abroad is seek-
ing investment. Great business schemes are projected; and it is a
recognized fact that after maturing a scheme when the planning and
erection of buildings is necessary, the first thing to be done by the pro-
jectors is to secure the professionalservices of an architect--one in whom
all confidence is reposed--to advise with and prepare the plans, etc., of
a building which shall fill all the requirements of the special scheme,
not only as to arrangement of plan, but also as to appropriateness and
beauty of design, and which shall not fall short, but surpass, if possible,
other buildings of a similar character. This is a recognized business
proceedure and the only proper mode of carrying out the scheme in
hand. Now to find this architect and advisor, one must first look for an
educated man in his profession, and one who has had experience in all
matters pertaining thereto and is able to study and solve the problem
given him in a careful and business-like manner in all its details; and
the architect, to do this, must have years of study and long experience,
and a certain aptness for his profession, coupled with decision of charac-
ter and a gentlemanly bearing, which are all necessary for success,
These qualifications it would be unreasonable to expect in a builder
who has neither had the time nor means of study, and whose early man-
hood has been spent in the details of probably but one branch of the |