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tions or repairs are at any time necessary, it greatly reduces the cost of

The space required for this work is of little value compared with the
satisfactory results which would be obtained, and depends, in all cases,
on the size of the building and the purpose for which it is to be used.
In exceptional cases, where the stucture is unusually large, a main shaft
or riser would be advisable, together with two or more additional ones
in remote sections of the building.

Electric current for lighting purposes, where supplied from central
station plants, is generally furnished fromwhat is known as the alterna-
ting circuits, although there are comparatively a few Cities--and generally
in the larger ones--where the direct current is used.

When electricity is generated in the building itself, this form is
known as an Isolated Lighting Plant, and most of the larger build-
ings are equipped in this way.

The nature of the current from the two machines is entirely different,
and a building in which the wiring is adapted for one, will in some cases
not answer for the other; it is therefore advisable, in the erection of
buildings to-day, to have the wiring so planned and arranged as to be
equally adapted and efficient for either system. This can be easily
arranged and the work performed at a slight additional expense, so that
a building can be lighted from a central station plant, or, if at any
time desired, the necessary machinery can be placed in or near the
basement, and the current manufactured by the owner.

Another use for which electricity is in quite general demand and in
which more advancement will be made in future than in lighting work,
is the "Transmission of Power "; and, while the energy of the greatest
electrical minds in this as well as foreign countries, is now being direct-
ed to this branch of the industry, we have, at the present time, power
delivered at our doors, for operating machinery of all kinds, and among
the most successful, and probably the one more closely connected with
Architecture, is the transmission of power for operating Elevators for
either freight or passenger service.

Both the electric and hoisting machinery are specially constructed so
as to be coupled direct on the same bed-plate; and as the machinery on-
ly runs when the caris ascending or descending, no expense is incurred
while the elevator is not in motion.

At the present time there are several hundred electric elevatorsin suc-
cessful operation, and as they have only been introduced about two
years, the prospects in this direction are very encouraging,

There is probably no doubt but that within a very few years this plan
will be generally adopted for this service whenever the electrical power
can be procured, as the advantages are numerous overany other system.

The electricity or current consumed. is recorded by an electric meter,
so the actual amount of energy used is paid for,--no more or no less.

In conclusion, I trust that special care will be taken and more thought
given to the better arrangement of electric wires and wiring devices

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