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4 revisions
cpmorgan at Oct 05, 2020 10:36 AM



(3) members -- Messrs. Helmich, Morgan and Woodruff was
appointed to take into consideration the evil effects of archi-
tectural competitions as at present indulged in by the profes-
sion, in the Southern States; and to make a report at the
session to-morrow morning.

At this point Mrs. Wilson, representative of the Acme
Paints, was introduced to the Chapter by Mr. Helmich, and
the merits and desirability of the said paints having been
briefly set forth by the fair representative, the motion of Mr.
Norrman, recommending that the members of this Chapter
give these paints a fair trial when the opportunity was afforded,
was unanimously adopted.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Nixon:

In consideration of the malpractice carried on by so-called architects
in communities: Therefore, Be it Resolved, That a committee of three
(3) members be appointed to draft a bill regulating the practice of
architects, in which shall be embodied all the legal and professional
rights of the duly licensed architect; and it shall be the purpose and
sense of this Chapter to push this matter before the Legislative bodies
of the Southern States for its passage.

Which resolution was unanimously adopted, and the fol-
lowing committee was appointed: Messrs. Nixon, Helmich
and Dennis.

On motion of Mr. Woodruff the courtesies extended by 'The
Georgia Marble Co., The Atlanta Lumber Co., and of Messrs.
Pelhgnm & Castleberry, manufacturers of Terra Cotta work;
and invitations to visit their respective works were accepted,
and noon to-morrow was designated as the time for carrying
out the program, as arranged.

On motion of Mr. Helmich the meeting adjourned to ten
(10) o'clock to-morrow morning.


According to adjournment, the meeting reassembled at ten
o'clock this morning, with Mr. Bruce in the Chair.

On motion of Mr. L. F. Goodrich, all members of this
Chapter were requested to pay immediately such amounts as
is properly due from each for membership fees and annual
dues; so that the necessary funds may be in the treasury for
carrying on the work of the Chapter.