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3 revisions
cpmorgan at Jul 02, 2020 10:03 AM


James Wahrenberger San Antonio
A. O. Watson Austin
Alfred Giles San Antonio

On motion of Geo E Dickey of Houston the convention adjourned until Wednesday morning 10 A.M.

Wednesday morning Jan 17 the association was called to order at 10 A..M President W C Dodson in the chair

By special invitation [?] by a unanimous vote of the association James Wahrenberger [?] the following were considered and [?] address


Gentlemen of the Texas State Association of Architects:

Were my brain as sterile in designing, my hand as unskilled with pencil and brush as they are with the thoughts and pen of essayist, I might justly be considered a charlatan, or at beast but a tyro in our profession. But feeling a deep interest in the welfare of our profession and of my professional bretheren, at the risk of being considered presumptuous and incurring your merited criticisms; I venture to present for your consideration a few practical remarks upon the present status of our profession in this state, and the difficulties and evils attendings its daily practice; with some suggestions as to the remedies for the cure of the one and the means of overcoming some others. Our professional as well as many of the daily papers, from time to time give us valuable hints in this connection. At the same time, while this is true, this subject is one of such paramount importance to our prosperity, the elecation of the standard of our art, and maintenance of proper professional pride and dignity, that it should claim the attention of all architects in good standing, and more particularly those of our association. So that by repeaged discussions, and the presentation of professional facts, methods and ideas to laymen, ways and means may be devised for the removal of these unfavorable conditions, and for rasing the standing of our noble art to that high plane of excellence to which it rightfully belongs, and which it holds in countries abroad, and in the older sgtates in this country. The accomplishment of these purposes is to be effected partly by ourselves and partly by the enactment of laws regulating the practice of architecture in this state. To have such laws placed upon the statute books, it is necessary that the public mind be educated, that the vox populi be taught the proper and correct relations which should exist between the honorable, educated architect and his clients, as well as with the public at large; for while the architect in


James Wahrenberger San Antonio
A. O. Watson Austin
Alfred Giles San Antonio

On motion of Geo E Dickey of Houston the convention adjourned until Wednesday morning 10 A.M.

Wednesday morning Jan 17 the association was called to order at 10 A..M President W C Dodson in the chair

By special invitation [?] by a unanimous vote of the association James Wahrenberger [?] the following were considered and [?] address


Gentlemen of the Texas State Association of Architects:

Were my brain as sterile in designing, my hand as unskilled with pencil and brush as they are with the thoughts and pen of essayist, I might justly be considered a charlatan, or at beast but a tyro in our profession. But feeling a deep interest in the welfare of our profession and of my professional bretheren, at the risk of being considered presumptuous and incurring your merited criticisms; I venture to present for your consideration a few practical remarks upon the present status of our profession in this state, and the difficulties and evils attendings its daily practice; with some suggestions as to the remedies for the cure of the one and the means of overcoming some others. Our professional as well as many of the daily papers, from time to time give us