


Status: Needs Review

on motion of J J Kane of Fort Worth. The report was refered to the auditing committee

The president appointed the following Com Geo E Dicket Housy A O Watson Austin. Frank W Kane Fort Worth

Moved by Natl Tobey of Dallas that the Secty W W Larmour be authorized to obtain 150 copies of 'The Day' of each days proceedings of this convention. Motion prevailed

Roll of members in good standing

A. B. Bristol Dallas
Alfred T Beckman San Antonio
Cortez Clark Dallas
W C Dodson Waco
Geo E Dickey Houston
J R Gordon San Antonio
Eugene T Heiner Houston
Sam P Herbert Waco
J J Kane Fort Worth
F W Kane " "
Geo S Kane " "
Geo T King El Paso
J LArmour Austin
W W Larmour Waco
Burt McDonald Austin
M McQuirk Dallas
Oscar Ruffini San Angelo
Natl Tobey Dallas
W H Tyndall Galveston
Guy M Tozer Dallas
Geo W Stewart "
Albert Ulrich "

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