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10 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Aug 26, 2015 10:59 AM


Dardanelles Nov. 19. 1894.
Yesterday I sent to your
address the Levant Herald
with the article I furnished on the
Discovery of Troy. I now enclose
copy of the inscription you found
at Troy. The first line is probably
the name of the individual to whom
honor is given by the senate and
people of Ilion. It is but a
fragment of an inscription as the
unfinished sentence would show and
by the portion of a second wreath
on the broken end of the marble.

I am making an estimate

The Honorable
A. W. Terrell.
Minister of the United States


Dardanelles Nov. 19. 1894.
Yesterday I sent to your
address the Levant Herald
with the article I furnished on the
Discovery of Troy. I now enclose
copy of the inscription you found
at Troy. The first line is probably
the name of the individual to whom
honor is given by the senate and
people of Ilion. It is but a
fragment of an inscription as the
unfinished sentence would show and
by the portion of a second wreath
on the broken end of the marble.

I am making an estimate

The Honorable
A. W. Terrell.
Minister of the United States