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4 revisions
zlmatt01 at Mar 14, 2020 09:45 AM


What is your name in Mixteco?
Nuu Dabi
Is there no way to say the name of this town in Mixteco?
Well, Saint Jerome isn't said in Mixteco but we say Nuu San Jeronimo
Couldn't you tell us something about how this town was founded?
Well, I cannot tell you because when I opened my eyes it is already a town of San Jeronimo, but I do not know how it was formed here, it may be that another older person may know.
Do the towns around here speak Mixtec like they do here?
It is an independent town, Barrera, we are almost the same, nothing more than that town has been away for years, but the language is the same.


What is your name in Mixteco?
Nuu Dabi
Is there no way to say the name of this town in Mixteco?
Well, Saint Jerome isn't said in Mixteco but we say Nuu San Jeronimo
Couldn't you tell us something about how this town was founded?
Well, I cannot tell you because when I opened my eyes it is already a town of San Jeronimo, but I do not know how it was formed here, it may be that another older person may know.
Do the towns around here speak Mixtec like they do here?
It is an independent town, Barrera, we are almost the same, nothing more than that town has been away for years, but the language is the same.