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9 revisions
TreyW57 at Sep 15, 2017 03:11 PM


(First word on previous page) Y_a ["a name"] and Ministers of Foreign Affairs today

requested a joint interview of the Sublime Porte
if closed with the earnest request of the Turkish
Government that the [???] [???] will appreciate
the dreaded[?] great accomplishment
and the President will withdraw his demand
for Terrell's[?] appointment. Turkish minister of
Washington Telegraphed that the United States
[???] regard refusal by an [???] they urge
[???] if Terrell gives Italy nice [???] be demanding
no [???] deal [???], and the Germany
that free [miestifation] will be made English French
and Russian [???] already appointed, and
acquired in by The Other [???] and the Appointment
of another [?] will [?] [?] of
Turkish Government with European [?]. The Request
is respectful but earnest and [?] as [?]
relatives [?] Turkish Government desires to continue
the embarrassment of real and not [?]
Russian Ambassador I know objects to an American
and Terrells Appointment [?] [?] [?]


(First word on previous page) Y_a ["a name"] and ministers of foreign affairs today

requested a joint interview of the Sublime Porte
if closed with the earnest request of the Turkish
Government that the [???] [???] will appreciate
the dreaded[?] great accomplishment
and the President will withdraw his demand
for Terrell's[?] appointment. Turkish minister of
Washington Telegraphed that the United States
[???] regard refusal by an [???] they urge
[???] if Terrell gives Italy nice [???] be demanding
no [???] deal [???], and the Germany
that free [miestifation] will be made English French
and Russian [???] already appointed, and
acquired in by The Other [???] and the Appointment
of another

. English
ahead app[], and
the other the appointment
of another of