Telegram of Dec 23-94 Gresham - Secretary - Washington I had three hours audience with the Sultan on Saturday night. I presented your instructions in telegram of fifteenth expressed my opinion on great popular excitement in America. He evaded direct answer -- he said that he had appealed to America as a friendly nation and was refused, ; then after he had yielded to European Powers President made new propositions which he had refused to the other Great Powers [". President" appears smeared] expressed embarassment {sic} and desired appeal to Presidents sense of justice and friendship. The Sultan asked that the Chief of the Commercial College, he who will be sent by the President serve as one of Turkish Commissioners, I have decided to entertain the proposition, and terminated in Sultans request for me to await his conference with Council of Ministers and promised an early answer. Grand
Vizier and Ministers of Foreign Affairs today requested a joint interview at the Sublime Porte . It closed with the earnest request of the Turkish Government that the United States will appreciate the present great embarassment of Turkish Govmnt and the President will withdraw his demand for Jewetts appointment. Turkish Minister at Washington telegraphed that the United States would regard refusal as an insult. They urge that if Jewett goes Italy will then be demanding independent Commissioner, and then Germany -- that full investigation will be made English French and Russian commissioners already appointed, and acquiesed {sic} in by the other powers and the appointment of another commissioner will complicate relations of Turkish Government with European Powers. The request is respectful but earnest and based on cordial relations which Turkish Government desires to continue ; the embarassment is real and not simulated Russian Ambassador I know objects to an American and Jewetts appointment would I believe provoke
similar demands from parties to the Tripple {sic} Alliance -- Report in English papers that I suggested American commission is false -- Terrell