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12 revisions
woodj1798 at Sep 07, 2017 03:58 PM


Ergingan -
Oct. 21.

The [] and plundering
that took place []
[write?] in full. The number
killed in the city and in
[] is more than 2,000
All the Armenian []
have been plundered and
left empty. The Armenians
left alive are all []
to beggary. We escaped by
our [friendly?] relations with
[l...] Turks, but the goods
taken from my [s...] []
more than 500₺ in value.


Ergingan -
Oct. 21.

The [] and plundering
that took place []
[write?] in full. The number
killed in the city and in
[] is more than 2,000
All the Armenian []
have been plundered and
left empty. The Armenians
left alive are all []
to beggary. We escaped by
our [proudly?] relations with
[l...] Turks, but the goods
taken from my [s...] []
more than 500₺ in value.