Unsigned letter written in Ergingan on October 21 of 1894(?)

A page from a letter received by the Mission, probably in October of 1894, given the date of the massacre probably described here. No other pages were scanned from the archive, so the sender is unknown, although one may assume an American or an Armenian-American shopkeeper residing in northern Turkey.




Ergingan Oct. 21.

The massacre and plundering that took place I cannot write in full. The number killed in the city and en-virons is more than 2,000 All the Armenian shops have been plundered and left empty. The Armenians left alive are all reduced to beggary. We escaped by our friendly relations with high Turks, but the goods taken from my shop are more than 500£ in value.

Last edit over 6 years ago by adamrabinowitz
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