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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 09:21 PM





inin, and containing 72 families of Indians, dedi-
cated to the commerce of saltpetre and cochineal.
Three leagues to the s. of its head settlement.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the alcaldia mayor
of the same kingdom. It contains 36 families of
Indians, and is in the boundaries of the jurisdiction
of Xalapa.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the island of Cuba;
situate bj a creek or bay formed by the sea, on the
s. coast, between the settlement of Guanco and the
bay of iflatanzas.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
of Zultepec, and alcaldia mayor of the same name,
in Nueva Espana. It contains 36 families of In-
dians, and is six leagues to the s. of the capital.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Toluca in the same king-
dom. It contains 51 families of Indians, and is at
a small distance to the n. of its capital.

Cruz, Santa, another, a head settlement of the
district of the province and alceddia mayor of
Tlaxcala in the same kingdom.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
of Chapala, and alcaldia mayor of Zayula, in the
same kingdom ; situate on the shore of the great
lake or sea of Chapala. It contains 28 families of
Indians, who cultivate many seeds and fruits from
the fertility and pleasantness of the country; oc-
cupying tliemselves also in traffic and in fishing
upon the lakes. It is tsvo leagues to the e. of its
head settlement.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the province and government of Mainas of
the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of the
river Napo.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
and edra’dia mayor of Caxititlan in Nueva Es-
pana. Four leagues to the s. of its cajjital.

Cruz, Santa, another, of tlie head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Tlajomulco in the same
kingdom, in which there is a convcul of the reli-
gious order of St. Francis.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
of Cacula, cmA alcaldia mayoral Zayula, in the
same kingdom. It contains 50 families of Indians,
who employ themselves in agriculture, and in cut-
ting wood upon the mountains of its district. Four
leagues between the w. and s. of its head settlement.

Cruz, Santa, another, of tlic missions which
W,ere held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits in the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom
of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate on the shore of the
river of Las Nasas.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the nrissions of the

VOL. 1.

religious order of St. Francis, in the province of
Taraumara, of the same kingdom as the former.
Eighteen leagues to the s, e. of the real of the mines
and town of San Felipe de Chiguagua.

Cruz, Santa, another, called Real de la Cruz,
in the province and government of Cartagena, on
the shore of the large river Magdalena, and upon
an island formed by this river and the w aters of the

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Antioquía in the Nuevo Reyno dc
Granada, on the shore of the river Cauca.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán in Peru, of the district and
jurisdiction of the city of Cordoba.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the missions which
are held by the religious order of St. Francis, in
the kingdom of Nuevo Mexico.

Cruz, Santa, another, with the addition of
Mayo, in the province and government of Cinaloa ;
situate at the mouth of the river Mayo, which
gives it its name. It has a port convenient for trade.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the same kingdom of
Nuevo Mexico ; situate on the shore of a river
which enters the large river Del Norte.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and
government of the river Hacha ; situate on the
coast, to the e. of tlie capital.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Antioquía in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada ; founded on the shore of the river Sinu,
with a good port, which serves as an entrepot for
goods to be carried to Choco, from whence it lies
a three-days journey.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana ; situate at
the mouth of the river Mayo, where this enters
the California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes. Distinct
from another, which is upon a shore of the same

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of La Sonora in the same kingdom ;
situate in the country of the Apaches Indians, on
the shore of a river which enters the Gila.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Verapaz in the same kingdom.

(Cruz, a parish of tlie province and govern-
ment of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a small river
running into the Plata, about five leagues n. of the
town of imxan, in lat. 31° 16' 22". Long. 59*
23' SO" a'.)

(Cruz, La, a settlement of Indians of the pro-
3 z


con 72 familias de Indios aplicados al cultivo y comercio de salitre y grana: está 3 leguas al S de su Cabecera.
Otro de la Alcaldía mayor de Nexapa en el mismo Reyno: tiene y6 familias de Indios, y está en los términos de la jurisdicción de Xalapa.
Otro de la Isla de Cuba, situado en una Caleta o Ensenada que hace el mar en la Costa Meridional entre el de Guaneo y la Bahía de Matanzas.
Otro de la Cabecera de Zultepec y Alcaldía mayor del mismo nombre en Nueva España: tiene 36 familias de Indios y está o leguas al S de la Capital.
Otro de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Toluca, en el mismo Reyno: tiene 5 1 familias de Indios, y está poco distante al N de su Capital.
Otro Cabecera de Partido de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Tlaxcala en el mismo Reyno.
Otro de la Cabecera de Chápala y Alcaldía mayor de Zayula en el mismo Reyuno, situado a orilla de la gran laguna o mar de Chapala: tiene 28 familias de Indios que cultivan muchas semillas y frutas por lo fértil y ameno del Pais, y se ocupan en el tráfico y pesca que hacen en la laguna: está 2 leguas al Oriente de su Cabecera.
Otro de las Misiones que tenían los Regulares de la Compañía en la Provincia y Gobierno de Mainas del Reyno de Quito, situado a orilla del río Napo.
Otro de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Caxititlán en Nueva España, distante 4 leguas al S de su. Capital.
Otro de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Tlaxomulco en el mismo Reyno, en que hay un Convento de Religiosos de Sari Francisco.
Otro de la Cabecera de Cacula, y Alcaldía mayor de Zayula en el mismo Reyno: tiene 50 familias de Indios, exercitados en el cultivo de la tierra, y cortar madera en los cerros de su distrito: está 4 leguas entre Poniente y S de su Cabecera.
Otro de las Misiones que tenían los Regulares de la Compañía en lá Provincia de Tepeguana y Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya, situado a orilla del río de las Nasas.
Otro de las Misiones que tienen los Religiosos de San Francisco en la Provincia de Taraumara del mismo Reyno que el anterior, 18 leguas al SE del Real de Minas y Villa de San Felipe de Chiguagua.
Otro con el aditamento de Alta, en la Provincia y Gobierno de Buenos Ayres, en que se dividen los términos de ésta y la del Tucuman: dista 84 leguas al O de la Capital, y está a orilla del río tercero en la boca donde le entra el Saladillo.
Otro llamado Real de la Cruz, en la Provincia y Gobierno de Cartagena, a orilla del río grande de la Magdalena, y en una Isla que forma éste con las aguas del Dique.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Antioquía en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada y a orilla del río Cauca. Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman en el Perú, del distrito y jurisdiccion de la Ciudad de Córdoba.
Otro con el aditamento de Mayo, en la Provincia y Gobierno de Cinaloa, situado a la boca del río Mayo que le da el sobrenombre, y un Puerto cómodo para el tráfico.
Otro del mismo Reyno del Nuevo México , situado a orilla de un río que entra en el grande del Norte.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno del rio del Hacha, situado en la Costa, al E de la Capital. .
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Antioquía en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, fundado a orilla del río Sinú, con un buen Puerto que sirve de embarcadero para pasar al Chocó en tres días por un camino que va por la cumbre de unas montañas asperísimas. Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Cinaloa en Nueva España, situado a la boca del río Mayo para salir a la California o mar Roxo de Cortés, distinto de otro que hay a orilla del mismo rio, y toma su sobrenombre de él.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Sonora en el mismo Reyno, situado en el Pais de los Indios Apaches, a orilla de un río que entra en el de Gila.
Otro de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Zacapula en el Reyno de Guatemala.
Otro de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Vera Paz en el mismo Reyno.





inin, and containing 72 families of Indians, dedi-
cated to the commerce of saltpetre and cochineal.
Three leagues to the s. of its head settlement.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the alcaldia mayor
of the same kingdom. It contains 36 families of
Indians, and is in the boundaries of the jurisdiction
of Xalapa.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the island of Cuba;
situate bj a creek or bay formed by the sea, on the
s. coast, between the settlement of Guanco and the
bay of iflatanzas.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
of Zultepec, and alcaldia mayor of the same name,
in Nueva Espana. It contains 36 families of In-
dians, and is six leagues to the s. of the capital.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Toluca in the same king-
dom. It contains 51 families of Indians, and is at
a small distance to the n. of its capital.

Cruz, Santa, another, a head settlement of the
district of the province and alceddia mayor of
Tlaxcala in the same kingdom.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
of Chapala, and alcaldia mayor of Zayula, in the
same kingdom ; situate on the shore of the great
lake or sea of Chapala. It contains 28 families of
Indians, who cultivate many seeds and fruits from
the fertility and pleasantness of the country; oc-
cupying tliemselves also in traffic and in fishing
upon the lakes. It is tsvo leagues to the e. of its
head settlement.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the province and government of Mainas of
the kingdom of Quito ; situate on the shore of the
river Napo.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
and edra’dia mayor of Caxititlan in Nueva Es-
pana. Four leagues to the s. of its cajjital.

Cruz, Santa, another, of tlie head settlement
and alcaldia mayor of Tlajomulco in the same
kingdom, in which there is a convcul of the reli-
gious order of St. Francis.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the head settlement
of Cacula, cmA alcaldia mayoral Zayula, in the
same kingdom. It contains 50 families of Indians,
who employ themselves in agriculture, and in cut-
ting wood upon the mountains of its district. Four
leagues between the w. and s. of its head settlement.

Cruz, Santa, another, of tlic missions which
W,ere held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits in the province of Tepeguana, and kingdom
of Nueva Vizcaya ; situate on the shore of the
river of Las Nasas.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the nrissions of the

VOL. 1.

religious order of St. Francis, in the province of
Taraumara, of the same kingdom as the former.
Eighteen leagues to the s, e. of the real of the mines
and town of San Felipe de Chiguagua.

Cruz, Santa, another, called Real de la Cruz,
in the province and government of Cartagena, on
the shore of the large river Magdalena, and upon
an island formed by this river and the w aters of the

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Antioquía in the Nuevo Reyno dc
Granada, on the shore of the river Cauca.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán in Peru, of the district and
jurisdiction of the city of Cordoba.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the missions which
are held by the religious order of St. Francis, in
the kingdom of Nuevo Mexico.

Cruz, Santa, another, with the addition of
Mayo, in the province and government of Cinaloa ;
situate at the mouth of the river Mayo, which
gives it its name. It has a port convenient for trade.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the same kingdom of
Nuevo Mexico ; situate on the shore of a river
which enters the large river Del Norte.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and
government of the river Hacha ; situate on the
coast, to the e. of tlie capital.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Antioquía in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada ; founded on the shore of the river Sinu,
with a good port, which serves as an entrepot for
goods to be carried to Choco, from whence it lies
a three-days journey.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana ; situate at
the mouth of the river Mayo, where this enters
the California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes. Distinct
from another, which is upon a shore of the same

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and go-
vernment of La Sonora in the same kingdom ;
situate in the country of the Apaches Indians, on
the shore of a river which enters the Gila.

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Zacapula in the kingdom of

Cruz, Santa, another, of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Verapaz in the same kingdom.

(Cruz, a parish of tlie province and govern-
ment of Buenos Ayres ; situate on a small river
running into the Plata, about five leagues n. of the
town of imxan, in lat. 31° 16' 22". Long. 59*
23' SO" a'.)

(Cruz, La, a settlement of Indians of the pro-
3 z
