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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 08:08 PM




settlement of Naiilingo, and alcaldm mayor of
Xalapa, in Nueva Espaila, the name of which sig-
nifies the place of six fountains. It is situate in
the most lofty part of a rugged and mountainous
sierra, on which account its temperature is every
where cold, and subject more than any other part
of its district to continual fogs and rains. Its
commerce consists in maize, which it produces in
abundance, and in the breeding of swine, both of
which articles are carried for sale to Vera Cruz.
Its inhabitants are also engaged in the mule-droves
which pass through these parts in tlieir way to
the windward coasts, and which proceed over a
road so rough and stony that they are under the
necessity of descending and ascending precipices
by means of steps or artificial passages hewn out
of the rocks ; and however difficult this might ap-
pear to some, they do not experience any gleat
delay, although the animals are very heavily
loaded, and the road be rendered still more difli-
cult, if, as it often happens, the journey be per-
formed in the winter season. This very stony
route is a narrow pass or defile which shortens the
way leading to the province of La Guasca. The
inhabitants of this settlement are composed of 236
families of Indians. It lies three short leagues to
the n. of its capital.

CHICONCUAUTLA, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Guachinango in
Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, and
contains 270 families of Indians, including the
three other small settlements of its district. Six
leagues to the e. of its capital.

CHICONTEPEC, a settlement of the head
settlement of Tlalixcoya, and alcaldia maijor of
Mizantla, in Nueva Espaila. It contains 53 fa-
milies of Indians.

CHICORATO, a settlement of the missions
which were held by the regulars of the society of
Jesuits, in the province and government of Ci-

CHICUAS, a nation of Indians of Peru. It is
at present reduced to merely a settlement of the
province of Condesuyos, in which is found abun-
dance of cochineal, made use of by the natives in
dyeing of wool ; this being the branch of com-
merce by which they maintain themselves.

CHIEGNETO, a settlement and fort of the
English, in the province and colony of Nova
, in the most interior part of the bay of

Chiegneto, a small river of the above pro-
, which rises from a lake, runs s. and enters
the Basin of the Mines.


Chiegneto, a cape or point of the coast of the
same province, in the bay of Fundy.

CHIEN, Trou au, a river of the island of
Guadalupe. It rises in the mountains towards
the e. runs e. and enters the sea between the point
of Petit Carbet and the river Trou or Chat.

==CHIENS, ISLA DE LOS, or Island of the
==, in the gulf of St. Lawrence, at the entrance
of the strait of Belleisle, and on the w. coa«t of the
island of Newfoundland.

CHIETLAN, a head settlement of the alcaldia
mayor of Yzucar in Nueva Espaila. It was for-
merly the corregbniento, and is at present embo-
died with this jurisdiction. It is of a warm and
moist temperature, but very pleasant, and covered
with gardens full of flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
The territory also abounds in wheat, maize, and
other seeds, and particularly in dates, the whole
of the district being covered with palms. Its in-
habitants consist of 267 families of Spaniards,
Mustees, and Mulattocs, and of 356 families of In-
dians, including those dwelling in the settlements
which belong to this district. It abounds like-
wise in garbanzos, or Spanish pease, anniseed, and
melons, all of which are of the best quality of anj^
in the whole kingdom. It lies three leagues s. of
its capital.

The aforesaid settlements are,


San Nicolas de Tenaxcalco,

Santiago de Azalan.

CHIGNAL, VOLCAN DE, a mountain of the
province and corregimiento of Maúle in the king-
dom of Chile, distinct from the other which is
near to it and of the same name.

(CHIGNECTO Channel, then. to. arm of the
bay of Fundy, into which Petitcodiac river falls.
The spring tides rise here 60 feet.)

CHIGUACHI, a settlement of the corregimi-
ento of Ubaqué in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ;
situate behind the mountains of Guadalupe and
Monserrat, of the city of Santa Fe, from whence it
is distant five leagues to the c. It is of a delight-
ful temperature, and abounds in wheat, maize,
barley, potatoes, sugar-cane, and plantains. Its
inhabitants consist of 200 families of Spaniards,
and a very tew Indians.

CHIGUAGUA, San Felipe de, a town of
the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of
Nueva Viscaya ; situate near the river San Pedro.
Its population consists of 2000 families of Spa-
niards, and some of Mustees and Mulattoes. The
town is large and well built, and the liouses are
handsome ; amongst otlier buildings, the most con-


de Naulingo y Alcaldía mayor de Xalapa en Nueva España, cuyo nombre significa lugar de siete fuentes: está situado en lo mas alto de una sierra áspera y montuosa, por cuya razón es el temperamento mas frío de todo el partido sujeto a humedades y lluvias continuas, su comercio es de maiz que produce con abundancia, y la cría de ganado de cerda, que uno y erro venden en la VeraCruz, ejercitándose también sus vecinos en el tráfico de las fequas de mulas que hay de estos parages a las Costas de Barlovento por caminos tan ásperos y pedregosos, que en muchas partes se ven precisados por su estrechura a formar escaleras abiertas en la misma piedra, pareciendo increíble que puedan subir y bajaí por ellas las mulas cargadas, especialmente en el inviefno, pero como están acostumbradas las pasan con mucha yelocidad: este camino tan penoso sirve de atajo ahorrando muchas leguas para las Provincias de la Guasca: el vecindario de este Pueblo se compone de 236 familias de Indios, y está 3 leguas cortas al N de su Capital.

CHICONCUAUTLA, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Guachionango en Nueva España: es de temperamento templado y tiene 270 familias de Indios, inclusos los de otros tres Puebloeitos de su distrito: está o leguas al Oriente de su Capital.

CHICONTEPEC, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Tlalixcoya y Alcaldía mayor de Misantla en Nueva España: tiene 5 3 familias de Indios.

CHIGORATO, Pueblo de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía en la Provincia y Gobierno de Cinaloa.

CHIGUAS, Nación de Indios del Perú, hoy reducida solo a un Pueblo de la Provincia de Condesuios en que se coge con abundancia cochinilla, con que tiñen la lana sus naturales, y es el ramo de comercio de que se mantienen.

CHIEGNETO, Pueblo y fuerte de los Ingleses en la Provincia y Colonia de Nueva Escocia, situado en lo mas interior de la Bahía de Fundy. .

Tiene el mismo nombre un. río pequeño de esta Provincia, que nace de una laguna pequeña: corre al S y entra en el Basin des Mines.
Un Cabo 6 Punta de la Costa de la misma Provincia en la Bahía de Fundy.

CHIEN, Trou au, o Agujero del Perro, río de la Isla Guadalupe: nace en las montañas del E, corre a este rumbo, y sale al mar entré la punta de Petit Carbet y el río de Trou au Chat.

CHIENS, Isla de los, o de los Perros en el Golfo de San Lorenzo a la entrada del estrecho de BeHe Isle, y en la Costa del O de la Isla de Terranova.

CHIETLAN, Pueblo y Cabecera de la Alcaldía mayor de Yzucar en Nueva España: fue antes Corregimiento, y hoy está agregado a esta jurisdicción: es de temperamento caliente y húmedo, pero muy ameno, poblado de huertas en que abundan las flores, frutas y legumbres:: el territorio también es muy fértil en trigo, maiz y otras semillas, y particularmente en dátiles, porque todo el distrito está cubierto de palmas: su vecindario consta de 267 familias de Españoles, Mestizos y ivíulatos, y de 356 de Indios, inclusos los que habitan tres Pueblos que pertenecen a este partido, también se cogen muchos garbanzos, anis y melones, que se reputan por los de mejor calidad de todo el Reyno: está 3 leguas distante aí S de su Capital, los referidos Pueblos son:
San Nicolás de Tenexcalco.
Santiago de Azalan.

CHIGNAL, Volcan de, Monte de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Maule en el. Reyno de Chile, distinto de otro casi confinante del mismo nombre.

CHIGUACHI Pueblo del Corregimiento de la baque en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, situado detras de los montes de Guadalupe y Monserrat de la Ciudad de Santa Fe, de donde dista 5 leguas al Oriente: es de temperamento agradable y delicioso, abundante en trigo, maiz, cebada, papas, cañas de azúcar y plátanos: tiene de vecindario mas de 200 familias de Españoles, y muy pocos Iridios.

CHIGUAGUA, San Felipe de, Villa de la Provincia de Taraumara y Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya, situada cerca del río de San Pedro: tiene de vecindario mas de 20 familias de Españoles y algunas de Mestizos y Mulatos: es población grande, bien dispuesta y de hermosos edificios, entré los




settlement of Naiilingo, and alcaldm mayor of
Xalapa, in Nueva Espaila, the name of which sig-
nifies the place of six fountains. It is situate in
the most lofty part of a rugged and mountainous
sierra, on which account its temperature is every
where cold, and subject more than any other part
of its district to continual fogs and rains. Its
commerce consists in maize, which it produces in
abundance, and in the breeding of swine, both of
which articles are carried for sale to Vera Cruz.
Its inhabitants are also engaged in the mule-droves
which pass through these parts in tlieir way to
the windward coasts, and which proceed over a
road so rough and stony that they are under the
necessity of descending and ascending precipices
by means of steps or artificial passages hewn out
of the rocks ; and however difficult this might ap-
pear to some, they do not experience any gleat
delay, although the animals are very heavily
loaded, and the road be rendered still more difli-
cult, if, as it often happens, the journey be per-
formed in the winter season. This very stony
route is a narrow pass or defile which shortens the
way leading to the province of La Guasca. The
inhabitants of this settlement are composed of 236
families of Indians. It lies three short leagues to
the n. of its capital.

CHICONCUAUTLA, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Guachinango in
Nueva Espana. It is of a mild temperature, and
contains 270 families of Indians, including the
three other small settlements of its district. Six
leagues to the e. of its capital.

CHICONTEPEC, a settlement of the head
settlement of Tlalixcoya, and alcaldia maijor of
Mizantla, in Nueva Espaila. It contains 53 fa-
milies of Indians.

CHICORATO, a settlement of the missions
which were held by the regulars of the society of
Jesuits, in the province and government of Ci-

CHICUAS, a nation of Indians of Peru. It is
at present reduced to merely a settlement of the
province of Condesuyos, in which is found abun-
dance of cochineal, made use of by the natives in
dyeing of wool ; this being the branch of com-
merce by which they maintain themselves.

CHIEGNETO, a settlement and fort of the
English, in the province and colony of Nova
, in the most interior part of the bay of

Chiegneto, a small river of the above pro-
, which rises from a lake, runs s. and enters
the Basin of the Mines.


Chiegneto, a cape or point of the coast of the
same province, in the bay of Fundy.

CHIEN, Trou au, a river of the island of
Guadalupe. It rises in the mountains towards
the e. runs e. and enters the sea between the point
of Petit Carbet and the river Trou or Chat.

==CHIENS, ISLA DE LOS, or Island of the
==, in the gulf of St. Lawrence, at the entrance
of the strait of Belleisle, and on the w. coa«t of the
island of Newfoundland.

CHIETLAN, a head settlement of the alcaldia
mayor of Yzucar in Nueva Espaila. It was for-
merly the corregbniento, and is at present embo-
died with this jurisdiction. It is of a warm and
moist temperature, but very pleasant, and covered
with gardens full of flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
The territory also abounds in wheat, maize, and
other seeds, and particularly in dates, the whole
of the district being covered with palms. Its in-
habitants consist of 267 families of Spaniards,
Mustees, and Mulattocs, and of 356 families of In-
dians, including those dwelling in the settlements
which belong to this district. It abounds like-
wise in garbanzos, or Spanish pease, anniseed, and
melons, all of which are of the best quality of anj^
in the whole kingdom. It lies three leagues s. of
its capital.

The aforesaid settlements are,


San Nicolas de Tenaxcalco,

Santiago de Azalan.

CHIGNAL, VOLCAN DE, a mountain of the
province and corregimiento of Maúle in the king-
dom of Chile, distinct from the other which is
near to it and of the same name.

(CHIGNECTO Channel, then. to. arm of the
bay of Fundy, into which Petitcodiac river falls.
The spring tides rise here 60 feet.)

CHIGUACHI, a settlement of the corregimi-
ento of Ubaqué in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ;
situate behind the mountains of Guadalupe and
Monserrat, of the city of Santa Fe, from whence it
is distant five leagues to the c. It is of a delight-
ful temperature, and abounds in wheat, maize,
barley, potatoes, sugar-cane, and plantains. Its
inhabitants consist of 200 families of Spaniards,
and a very tew Indians.

CHIGUAGUA, San Felipe de, a town of
the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of
Nueva Viscaya ; situate near the river San Pedro.
Its population consists of 2000 families of Spa-
niards, and some of Mustees and Mulattoes. The
town is large and well built, and the liouses are
handsome ; amongst otlier buildings, the most con-
