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10 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 04:47 PM



It is distant 30 leagues to the n. of Tunja, and
eight from the town of Suata.

CAPITUTU, Banado de, a river of the pro-
vince and government of Paraguay . It runs to
the w. and enters the same place.

CAPIUARI, a small river of the province and
captainship of San Vincente in Brazil. It rises
in the mountains near the coast, runs almost di-
rectly from e. to w. and enters the Harihambu or
Tiete, between the Piraciacaba and Jundiaya.

Capiuari, another river of the province and go-
vernment of the Chiquitos Indians, and in the king-
dom of Peru ; it rises to the s. e. of the settlement
of San Rafael, runs to the n. and enters the Ytenes
with a slight inclination to the n. w.

Capiuari, another, in the province and govern-
ment of Paraguay, which enters the Paraná, near
the settlement of La Mision de Jesus.

Capiuari, another, in the province and captain-
ship of Rey in Brazil. It rises from a lake near
the coast, runs to the w. and enters the large river
of Los Patos.

CAPLIRA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Aricá in Peru ; annexed to the curacy
of Tacna.

CAPLITOILGUA, an island of the N. sea, in
the straits De Magellan, one of those which form the
s. coast, at the mouth of the canal of St. Isidro.

Caplitoilgua, a bay in the former island.

CAPOCUI, a large lake of the province of Quito,
to the n. of the river Napo, emptying itself through
a canal into the river Napo. Lat. 57° s.

CAPOLITA, a river of the province and alcaldía
mayor of Tecoantepec in Nueva España ; it runs
to the e. and enters the S. sea between the Aguatulco
and the Simatlan.

CAPON, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Guayana ; one of those which enter the
Cuium on the n. side.

CAPOT, a small river of the island of Mar-
; it runs to the n. e. and enters the sea be-
tween the Falaise and the Grand Ance.

Capot, a bay on the coast of the same island,
on its n. w. side, between the town of Carbet and
the bay of Giraumont.

CAPOTERA, River of, in the kingdom of Bra-
; it rises in the sierra grande, runs to the n. n. e.
and enters the Tocantines, between the Santa Lucía
and the Araguaya.

CAPOTILLO, River of, in the island of St.
; it rises near the n. coast, runs w. and
turning to the n. n. w. enters the sea at port Delfin.

CAPOTIQUI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxamarquilla in Peru.

CAPUCINS, Morne des, or Morro de los




Capuchinos, a mountain of the island of Mar-
, at the back of the city of fort Royal.

CAPUCUI, a settlement of the missionaries of
the regular order of the Jesuits, now abolished.

CAPUE, Alto, a town belonging to the French,
in the part which they possess in the island of St.
; it ivas taken and burnt by the Spaniards
in the year 1691 , after a victory gained by them.

CAPUE, with the addition of Baxo (low), to dis-
tinguish it ; another settlement of the same island
and dominion as the former.

CAPUI, a settlement of the province of Guayana
and government of Cumaná ; one of those which
is formed by the missions there established by the

Capui, a small river of the province and govern-
ment of Paraguay ; it runs to the w. and enters the
Paraná between the Caruguampú and the Quendi.

CAPUIO, a small settlement of the head settle-
ment of Etuquaro, and alcaldía mayor of Vallado-
lid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacán ;
in which district there are some cultivated lands,
and in these, as well as in the settlement, reside
some Spanish families, and some of the Mustees
and Indians, who gain their livelihood in tilling the
ground, in making lime, and cutting wood. Four
leagues w. of its capital.

CAPULA, a village of a small settlement of the
head settlement and alcaldía mayor of Zultepec in
Nueva España ; situate in the cleft or hollow part
of a mountain covered with trees ; its inhabitants,
who consist of 63 Indian families, make charcoal
and timber, these being the articles of their com-

CAPULALPA, San Simon de, a small settle-
ment of the head settlement and alcaldía mayor of
Tezcoco in Nueva España, situate on the top of a
hill; it has a very good convent of Franciscans,
and contains 75 families of Spaniards, Mulattoes,
and Mustees, and 196 of Indians : its territory is
very fertile, and the most luxuriant of any in the
same jurisdiction ; notwithstanding there is a lack
of moisture, there being no running streams. They
are used to gather most abundant crops of wheat,
maize, barley, vetches, beans, and French beans ;
they have large breeds of hogs, both in the village
and in the farms and neighbouring fattening stalls,
which they carry for sale to Mexico, to La Puebla,
and other parts. One league n. of its capital.

CAPULUAC, San Bartolome de, a head
settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Metepec in
Nueva España; it contains 524 Indian families,
including those who inhabit the wards of its dis-
trict, and it is two leagues to the s. e. of its capital.

CAPURE, an arm of the river Orinoco, one of


CAPITUTU, Bañado de, río de la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay, corre al O y entra en éste.

CAPIUARI, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Capitanía de San Vicente en el Brasil. Nace en las montañas cerca de la Costa, cor re casi E O y entra en el de Harihambú o Tiete, entre los de Piraciacabay Jundiaya.
Otro hay del mismo nombre en la Provincia y Gobierno de los Indios Chiquitos y Reyno del Perú. Nace al SE del Pueblo de San Rafael, corre al N y entra en el de Ytenes con alguna inclinación al NO.
Otro en la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay, entra en el Paraná cerca del Pueblo de la misión de desús.
Otro en la Provincia y Capitanía del Rey en el Brasil. Nace de una laguna cerca de la Costa, corre al O y entra en la grande de los Patos.

CAPLIRA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Arica en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Tacna.

CAPLITOILGUA, Isla del mar del N en el Estrecho de Magallanes, una de las que forman la Costa del S a la boca del Canal de San Isidro.

Tiene el mismo nombre una Ensenada que hay en la Isla antecedente.

CAPOCUI, Laguna grande de la Provincia de Quito al N del río Napo donde desagua por un Canal, cuya boca está en 1 grado, 1 8 min. de lat. aust.

CAPOLITA, Río] de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Tecoantepec en Nueva España: corre al E y sale al mar del S entre el de Aguatulco, y el de Simatlán.

CAPON, Río] de la Provincia y Gobierno de la Guayana, uno de los que entran en el de Cuium por la banda del N.

CAPOT, Río] pequeño de la Isla Martinica: corre al NE y sale al mar entre el de Falaise y el de la Grand anee.

Tiene el mismo nombre una Ensenada en la Costa de la misma Isla a la parre del NO, entre el Pueblo de Carbet y la Ensenada de Giraumont.

CAPOTERA, Río de la, en el Reyno del Brasil: nace en la Sierra grande, corre al N NE, y entra en el de Toeantines, entre el de Santa Lucía y el de Araguaya.

CAPOTIQUI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Caxamarquilla, en el Perú]].

CAPOTILLO, Río del, en la Isla de Santo Domingo: nace cerca de la Costa del N, corre al O, y torciendo su curso al N NO, sale al mar en el Puerto Delfín.
C CAPUCINS,Mornedes) o Morro de los Capuchinos, montaña de la Isla Martinica, detrás de la Ciudad de Fort Royal.

CAPUCUI, Pueblo de las Misiones que tenían los Regulares de la extinguida Compañía en la Provincia y Gobierno de Mainas del Reyno de Quito, situado a orilla del río de las Amazonas.

Tiene el mismo nombre una laguna de esta Provincia y Gobierno, que se forma de un rebalso y desague del río Napo no distante de sus orillas,

CAPUE, Alto, Pueblo de los Franceses, en la parte que poseen de la Isla de Santo Domingo; los Españoles lo tomaron y quemaron el año de 1691 después de una victoria que ganaron.

Tiene el mismo nombre con el aditamento de baxo para distinguirlo, otro Pueblo de la misma Isla y dominio que el antecedente.

CAPUI, Pueblo de la Provincia de Guayana y Gobierno de Gumaná, uno de los que componen las Misiones que en ella tienen los Padres Capuchinos Catalanes, situado a orilla del río Yuruario, en su Cabecera. Tiene el mismo nombre un río pequeño de la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay ; corre al O, y entra en el Paraná entre los de Caruguampú y Quendi.

CAPUIO, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Etuquaro y Alcaldía mayor de Valladolid, en la Provincia y Obispado de Mechoacan, en cuyo distrito hay algunas haciendas de labor, y así en ellas como en la Población habitan algunas familias de Españoles, Mestizos é Indios que viven del cultivo de la tierra, hacer cal y cortar maderas; está 14 leguas al Poniente de su Cabecera.

CAPULA, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Zultepec , en Nueva España, situado en la quiebra de un monte poblado de árboles, de que hacen sus vecinos, que son 63 familias de Indios, mucho carbon y leña, que es el comercio de que viven; está legua y media al Oriente de su Cabecera.

CAPULALPA, San Simón de, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Tezcoco, en Nueva España, situado en una loma; tiene muy buen Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco, 75 familias de Españoles, Mulatos y Mestizos, y 196 de Indios; su territorio es muy fértil y_ el mas pingue de toda la jurisdíccion, en que cogen abundantes cosechas de trigo, maíz, cebada, alberjas, habas y fríjoles, sin el beneficio del riego porque no tienen aguas corrientes; crian muchos cerdos, así en la Población como en las haciendas y ranchos contiguos, que en gruesas partidas llevan a vender a México, a la Puebla y otras partes; está 1 legua al N de su Capital.

CAPULUAC, San Bartolomé de, Pueblo y Cabecera de la Alcaldía mayor de Metepec , en Nueva España: tiene 524 familias de Indios, inclusos los que habitan en los barrios de su distrito, y está 2 leguas al SE de su Capital.

CAPURE, Brazo del río Orinoco, uno de los que forman sus diferentes bocas, y la Isla de su nombre habitada de Indios Guaraunos.



It is distant 30 leagues to the n. of Tunja, and
eight from the town of Suata.

CAPITUTU, Banado de, a river of the pro-
vince and government of Paraguay . It runs to
the w. and enters the same place.

CAPIUARI, a small river of the province and
captainship of San Vincente in Brazil. It rises
in the mountains near the coast, runs almost di-
rectly from e. to w. and enters the Harihambu or
Tiete, between the Piraciacaba and Jundiaya.

Capiuari, another river of the province and go-
vernment of the Chiquitos Indians, and in the king-
dom of Peru ; it rises to the s. e. of the settlement
of San Rafael, runs to the n. and enters the Ytenes
with a slight inclination to the n. w.

Capiuari, another, in the province and govern-
ment of Paraguay, which enters the Paraná, near
the settlement of La Mision de Jesus.

Capiuari, another, in the province and captain-
ship of Rey in Brazil. It rises from a lake near
the coast, runs to the w. and enters the large river
of Los Patos.

CAPLIRA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Aricá in Peru ; annexed to the curacy
of Tacna.

CAPLITOILGUA, an island of the N. sea, in
the straits De Magellan, one of those which form the
s. coast, at the mouth of the canal of St. Isidro.

Caplitoilgua, a bay in the former island.

CAPOCUI, a large lake of the province of Quito,
to the n. of the river Napo, emptying itself through
a canal into the river Napo. Lat. 57° s.

CAPOLITA, a river of the province and alcaldía
mayor of Tecoantepec in Nueva España ; it runs
to the e. and enters the S. sea between the Aguatulco
and the Simatlan.

CAPON, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Guayana ; one of those which enter the
Cuium on the n. side.

CAPOT, a small river of the island of Mar-
; it runs to the n. e. and enters the sea be-
tween the Falaise and the Grand Ance.

Capot, a bay on the coast of the same island,
on its n. w. side, between the town of Carbet and
the bay of Giraumont.

CAPOTERA, River of, in the kingdom of Bra-
; it rises in the sierra grande, runs to the n. n. e.
and enters the Tocantines, between the Santa Lucía
and the Araguaya.

CAPOTILLO, River of, in the island of St.
; it rises near the n. coast, runs w. and
turning to the n. n. w. enters the sea at port Delfin.

CAPOTIQUI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Caxamarquilla in Peru.

CAPUCINS, Morne des, or Morro de los




Capuchinos, a mountain of the island of Mar-
, at the back of the city of fort Royal.

CAPUCUI, a settlement of the missionaries of
the regular order of the Jesuits, now abolished.

CAPUE, Alto, a town belonging to the French,
in the part which they possess in the island of St.
; it ivas taken and burnt by the Spaniards
in the year 1691 , after a victory gained by them.

CAPUE, with the addition of Baxo (low), to dis-
tinguish it ; another settlement of the same island
and dominion as the former.

CAPUI, a settlement of the province of Guayana
and government of Cumaná ; one of those which
is formed by the missions there established by the

Capui, a small river of the province and govern-
ment of Paraguay ; it runs to the w. and enters the
Paraná between the Caruguampú and the Quendi.

CAPUIO, a small settlement of the head settle-
ment of Etuquaro, and alcaldía mayor of Vallado-
lid, in the province and bishopric of Mechoacán ;
in which district there are some cultivated lands,
and in these, as well as in the settlement, reside
some Spanish families, and some of the Mustees
and Indians, who gain their livelihood in tilling the
ground, in making lime, and cutting wood. Four
leagues w. of its capital.

CAPULA, a village of a small settlement of the
head settlement and alcaldía mayor of Zultepec in
Nueva España ; situate in the cleft or hollow part
of a mountain covered with trees ; its inhabitants,
who consist of 63 Indian families, make charcoal
and timber, these being the articles of their com-

CAPULALPA, San Simon de, a small settle-
ment of the head settlement and alcaldía mayor of
Tezcoco in Nueva España, situate on the top of a
hill; it has a very good convent of Franciscans,
and contains 75 families of Spaniards, Mulattoes,
and Mustees, and 196 of Indians : its territory is
very fertile, and the most luxuriant of any in the
same jurisdiction ; notwithstanding there is a lack
of moisture, there being no running streams. They
are used to gather most abundant crops of wheat,
maize, barley, vetches, beans, and French beans ;
they have large breeds of hogs, both in the village
and in the farms and neighbouring fattening stalls,
which they carry for sale to Mexico, to La Puebla,
and other parts. One league n. of its capital.

CAPULUAC, San Bartolome de, a head
settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Metepec in
Nueva España; it contains 524 Indian families,
including those who inhabit the wards of its dis-
trict, and it is two leagues to the s. e. of its capital.

CAPURE, an arm of the river Orinoco, one of
