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jgo384 at Oct 18, 2018 01:16 PM




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linas and that of Chirgua, in the space left by
these rivers as they run to enter the Portuguesa.

CULEBRAS, rio de, a settlement of the same
province and government (Venezuela) as is the former lake ;
situate on the sliore of the river Yaraqui, to the e.
of the town of San Felipe.

CULEBRAS, RIO DE, an island of the N. sea,
near the coast of the province and government of
Cartagena, at the entrance of the large river of La

CULEBRILLAS, a small island of the S. sea,
in the bay of Panama, of the province and go-
vernment of Tierra Firme; is one of those
which Ibrm with that of Perico the port of this
name. .

CULIACAN, a province and alcald'm mayor
of the kingdom of Nueva Galicia ; bounded n.
and n. e. by the province of Cinaloa, s. by that of
Copala, s. w. by the kingdom of Niieva Fizcaya,
s. by that of Chiamatlan, and w. by the gulf of
California. It is 60 leagues in length and 50 in
Avidth. It is fertile, apd abounds in all sorts of
productions; is watered by various rivers, par-
ticularly the Umaya, Avhich is very large, and in
which are caught great quantities offish. It emp-
ties itself into the S. sea, in the port of Navitoos.
It abounds in various earths, salt, and silver
mines, and in many settlements of Mexican In-
dians, reduced by the missionaries of the religion
of St. Francis. The capital is of the same name.

CULIACAN, with the dedicatory title of San Mi-
guel, a town which was founded by Nunez de
Guzman in 1531 ; situate on the banks of a small
river, Avhich afterwards unites itself Avith the
Umaya. It is 160 leagues from Guadalaxara,
and 260 from Mexico. The other settlements of
this province are,

Cozela Real de Minas==, ==Binapa,
Tacuchameta==, ==Baita.


CULIACAN, a settlement of the intendancy
of Sonora in Nueva Espana, celebrated in the
Mexican history under the name of Hueicol-
huacan. The population is estimated at 10,800

CULIACAN, a river of this province (Sonora), which di-
vides the jurisdiction of the same from that of Ci-
naloa. It runs into the sea at the entrance of the
gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes. At its
mouth or entrance are some very dangerous shoals
of the same name. See St. Michael.

CULLI, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Canta in Peru j annexed to the cu-
racy of Pari.

CULLOUMAS, a settlement of Indians, of ths
province and colony of Georgia ; situate on the
shore of the river Apalachicola.

CULLOUMAS, a settlement of the province and
corregirnienlo of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the-
curacy of San Buenaventura.

CULLUE, a large lake of the province and
corregimiento of Tarma in Peru. From it is
formed the canal Avhich empties itself into the
river Paria.

CULLURI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Toledo.

CULLURQUI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Cotabambas in Peru, in the vici-
nity of which, in an estate for breeding cattle, is a
poor chapel of Santa Rosa, and near to this two
very large rocks, Avhich, being touched with small
stones, send forth a sound similar to bells of the
best temper and metal.

CULPEPPER, a county in Virginia, between
the Blue ridge and the tide waters, which con-
tains 22,105 inhabitants, of whom 8226 are slaves.
The court-house of this county is 45 miles from
Fredericksburg, and 95 from Charlottesville.]

CULTA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the cu-
racy of Condocondo.

CULTEPEQUE, a settlement of the real of
the silver mines of the province and alcaldia
mayor of Tlaxcala in Nueva Espana.

CULUACAN, San Lucas de, a settlement of
the head settlement and alcatdia mayor of Yzucár
in Nueva Espana. It contains 50 tamilies of In-
dians, and Avas formerly the capital of the juris-
diction. Here there still remain some baths of
warm water, celebrated for the cure of many in-
firmities. It is two leagues to the s. Avith a slight
inclination to the 5. e. of its head settlement.

CUMA, San Antonio de, a town of the pro-
vince and captainship of Marañan in Brazil. It
contains a good parish-church, two convents of
monks, one of the order of Carmen, and the other
of La Merced ; and at a short distance from the
town is a house Avhich was the residetice of the re-
gulars of the company of .Jesuits. This town be-
longs to the lordship of the house of Antonio Al-
burquerque Coello de Carballo. It is three leagues
from its capital.

CUMA, San Antonio de, another settlement in
this province and kingdom (Marañan Brazil); situate near the coast
and the cape of its name.

CUMA, San Antonio de. This cape is .also
in the same captainship^ (Marañan) between a bar and the
bay of Cabelo de Yelha. The aforesaid bar is a


CULEBRILLAS, Isla pequeña de la mar del Sur en la Ensenada de Panamá de la Provincia y Gobierno de Tierra-Firme: es una de las que forman con la de Perico el Puerto de este nombre

CAL DE SAC o Callejón sin salida, Pueblo y Parroquia de los Franceses en la parte que poseen de la Isla de Santo Domingo: está en la Cabeza del O y Costa de este rumbo a orilla de un río entre el Puerto Príncipe, y el río de los Naranjos.

Otro Pueblo y Parroquia hay de este nombre en la Isla de la Guadalupe: está a la orilla de la Bahía de su nombre entre los ríos Voudepiques y de Testa, y el otro también en la misma Bahía entre los ríos Lezard y Sarcelles.
Una Bahía grande y Puerto cómodo de la misma Isla, que es el principal de toda ella, en la qual hay diferentes Islas pequeñas: otra hay también junto a ésta distinguida con el nombre de Cul de Sac Petit, divididas por un itsmo de tierra que les da comunicación por medio de un canal estrecho.

CULIACAN, Provincia y Alcaldía mayor del Reyno de Nueva Galicia: confina por el N y NE con la de Cinaloa: por el S con la de Copala: por el SO con el Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya: por el Mediodía con la de Chiametlán, y al Poniente tiene el golfo de California: tiene 60 leguas de largo y 50 de ancho: es fértil y abundante en toda especie de frutos: riéganla vanos rios, particularmente el de Umaya que es muy caudaloso y en que cogen mucho pescado: desemboca en la mar del Sur en el Puerto de Navitoos: tiene abundancia de salinas y de minas de plata, y muchos Pueblos de Indios Mexicanos, reducidos por los Misioneros de la Religión de San Francisco: la Capital tiene el mismo nombre.
Con la advocación de San Miguel, Villa que fundó Nuño de Guzman el año de 1531, situada a las orillas de un pequeño río que luego se junta con el de Umaya: está 160 leguas de Guadalaxara y 260 de México: los demás Pueblos de esta Provincia son;
Cozela Real de Minas.

CULLI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Canta en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Parí.

CULLOUMAS, Pueblo de Indios de la Provincia y Colonia de Georgia, situado a orilla del río Apalachicola.

CULLUAI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Canta en el Perú, anexo al Curato de San Buenaventura.

CULLUE, Laguna grande la Provincia y Corregimiento de Tarma en el Perú, que forma dos senos grandes, y de la qual sale un canal con que desagua en el río Paria.

CULLURI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Paria en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Toledo.

CULLURQUI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Cotabambas en el Perú, a cuya inmediación en una hacienda de ganado hay una pobre Capilla de Santa Rosa, y cerca de ella dos piedras muy grandes, que tocándolas con otras pequeras suenan como las campanas de mejor temple y metal.

CULPEPPER, Condado de la Provincia y Colonia de Virginia.

CULTA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Paria en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Condocondo.

CULTEPEQUE, Pueblo y Real de Minas de Plata de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Tlaxcala en Nueva España.

CULUACAN, San Lucas de, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Yzucár en Nueva España: tiene 50 familias de indios, y fue en lo antiguo Capital de la jurisdicción, y aun permanecen unos baños de agua templada, acreditados con la experiencia para curar muchas enfermedades: está 2 leguas al S con inclinación al SE de su Cabecera.

CUMA, San Antonio de, Villa de la Provincia y Capitanía de Marañon en el Brasil: tiene una buena Iglesia Parroquial, 2 Conventos de Religiosos, uno del Carmen y otro de la Merced, y a corta distancia de la población una casa que fue residencia de los Regulares de la Compañía: pertenece esta Villa al Señorío de la Casa de Antonio Alburquerque Coello de Carbailo: está distante 3 leguas de su Capital.




c y L

linas and that of Chirgua, in the space left by
these rivers as they run to enter the Portuguesa.

CULEBRAS, rio de, a settlement of the same
province and government (Venezuela) as is the former lake ;
situate on the sliore of the river Yaraqui, to the e.
of the town of San Felipe.

CULEBRAS, RIO DE, an island of the N. sea,
near the coast of the province and government of
Cartagena, at the entrance of the large river of La

CULEBRILLAS, a small island of the S. sea,
in the bay of Panama, of the province and go-
vernment of Tierra Firme; is one of those
which Ibrm with that of Perico the port of this
name. .

CULIACAN, a province and alcald'm mayor
of the kingdom of Nueva Galicia ; bounded n.
and n. e. by the province of Cinaloa, s. by that of
Copala, s. w. by the kingdom of Niieva Fizcaya,
s. by that of Chiamatlan, and w. by the gulf of
California. It is 60 leagues in length and 50 in
Avidth. It is fertile, apd abounds in all sorts of
productions; is watered by various rivers, par-
ticularly the Umaya, Avhich is very large, and in
which are caught great quantities offish. It emp-
ties itself into the S. sea, in the port of Navitoos.
It abounds in various earths, salt, and silver
mines, and in many settlements of Mexican In-
dians, reduced by the missionaries of the religion
of St. Francis. The capital is of the same name.

CULIACAN, with the dedicatory title of San Mi-
guel, a town which was founded by Nunez de
Guzman in 1531 ; situate on the banks of a small
river, Avhich afterwards unites itself Avith the
Umaya. It is 160 leagues from Guadalaxara,
and 260 from Mexico. The other settlements of
this province are,

Cozela Real de Minas==, ==Binapa,
Tacuchameta==, ==Baita.


CULIACAN, a settlement of the intendancy
of Sonora in Nueva Espana, celebrated in the
Mexican history under the name of Hueicol-
huacan. The population is estimated at 10,800

CULIACAN, a river of this province (Sonora), which di-
vides the jurisdiction of the same from that of Ci-
naloa. It runs into the sea at the entrance of the
gulf of California, or Mar Roxo de Cortes. At its
mouth or entrance are some very dangerous shoals
of the same name. See St. Michael.

CULLI, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Canta in Peru j annexed to the cu-
racy of Pari.

CULLOUMAS, a settlement of Indians, of ths
province and colony of Georgia ; situate on the
shore of the river Apalachicola.

CULLOUMAS, a settlement of the province and
corregirnienlo of Canta in Peru ; annexed to the-
curacy of San Buenaventura.

CULLUE, a large lake of the province and
corregimiento of Tarma in Peru. From it is
formed the canal Avhich empties itself into the
river Paria.

CULLURI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Toledo.

CULLURQUI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Cotabambas in Peru, in the vici-
nity of which, in an estate for breeding cattle, is a
poor chapel of Santa Rosa, and near to this two
very large rocks, Avhich, being touched with small
stones, send forth a sound similar to bells of the
best temper and metal.

CULPEPPER, a county in Virginia, between
the Blue ridge and the tide waters, which con-
tains 22,105 inhabitants, of whom 8226 are slaves.
The court-house of this county is 45 miles from
Fredericksburg, and 95 from Charlottesville.]

CULTA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Paria in Peru ; annexed to the cu-
racy of Condocondo.

CULTEPEQUE, a settlement of the real of
the silver mines of the province and alcaldia
mayor of Tlaxcala in Nueva Espana.

CULUACAN, San Lucas de, a settlement of
the head settlement and alcatdia mayor of Yzucár
in Nueva Espana. It contains 50 tamilies of In-
dians, and Avas formerly the capital of the juris-
diction. Here there still remain some baths of
warm water, celebrated for the cure of many in-
firmities. It is two leagues to the s. Avith a slight
inclination to the 5. e. of its head settlement.

CUMA, San Antonio de, a town of the pro-
vince and captainship of Marañan in Brazil. It
contains a good parish-church, two convents of
monks, one of the order of Carmen, and the other
of La Merced ; and at a short distance from the
town is a house Avhich was the residetice of the re-
gulars of the company of .Jesuits. This town be-
longs to the lordship of the house of Antonio Al-
burquerque Coello de Carballo. It is three leagues
from its capital.

CUMA, San Antonio de, another settlement in
this province and kingdom (Marañan Brazil); situate near the coast
and the cape of its name.

CUMA, San Antonio de. This cape is .also
in the same captainship^ (Marañan) between a bar and the
bay of Cabelo de Yelha. The aforesaid bar is a
