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4 revisions
LLILAS Benson at Oct 18, 2018 01:02 PM




constitution left the lower people little more free-
dom than they would have possessed under the
government of the Aztec kings.]

The capital is the city of the same name, founded
as far back as the time ofthegentilism of the Mexi-
can empire, when this nation was at enmity with
that of Chichimeca ; it was then one of the most
populous cities, and contained 30,000 inhabitants
and 300 temples, and served as a barrier to Moc-
tezuma, in the attack against the republic of
Tlaxclala ; the latter place never having been sub-
jected to the Mexican yoke. This was the city
which of all others most thwarted the designs of
Hernan Cortes, but the inhabitants were discovered
in the conspiracy they had laid against him, when
they pretended to receive him with open arrhs and
a peaceable and friendly disposition, and were
made by him to suffer severely for their hypocrisy ;
after which he and his whole army escaped un-
injured. This city has many monuments denoting
its antiquity ; and although in ancient times idolatry
was here carried to its highest pitch, yet the light
of the gospel has spread widely around its enliven-
ing rays. It is of a mild and healthy temperature,
rather inclined to cold than heat, being situate on
a level, fertile, and beautiful plain. It has a good
convent of the order of St. Francis, which is also
a house of studies. Its inhabitants are composed
of 50 families of Spaniards, 458 of Mustees, Mu-
lattoes and Negroes, and 606 of Indians. On a
lofty spot which lies close to the entrance, on the
c. side of the city, is a handsome chapel, in which
is venerated the image of the blessed virgin,
which also bears the dedicatory title of Los Rente-
dios. It is a little more than 20 leagues to the e.
of Mexico, and four from Tlaxclala. Long. 98°
14'. Lat. 19° 4'. [Its population is at present
estimated at about 16,000 souls.]

CHONE, a settlement which in former times
was considerable, but now much impoverished, in
the ancient province of Cara, which is at present
united to that of Esmeraldas. It lies upon the
shore of the river Chones to the n. and is of an
hot and moist climate, in lat. 33° s.

CHONES, a large river of the province of
Cara in the kingdom of Quito. It runs to the w.
and collects the waters of the Sanchez and theTos-
sagua on the n. and on the s. those of the Cama-
ron and the Platanal. At its entrance on the n.
stood the city of Cara, of which the vestiges still
remain. Where it runs into the sea it forms the
bay of Cara, between the s. point of Bellaca and
the n. point of laca. Its mouth is nearly two
miles and an half wide.

CHONGO, San Miguel de, a settlement of
the alcaldíta mayor of Huamelula. It is of a very
cold temperature, from its being situate in the vi-
cinity of the sierra Nevada (or Snowy) of the Chon-
tales, which lies on the n. side of it. Its inhabi-
tants amount to 24 families of Indians, who trade
in cochineal, seeds, and fruits, of which the coun-
try, being naturally luxuriant, produces great quan-
tities. It is watered by rivers which pass at a
little distance, and is annexed to the curacy of
Tepaltepec of the jurisdiction and alcaldia mayor
of Nexapa, from whence it lies 20 leagues. It is-,
on account of this great distance, combined with
the badness of the roads, that the natives so sel-
dom can avail themselves of any instruction in the
holy faith ; dying, as they often do, without the
administration of the sacraments. Indeed, there is
only one day in the year, which is the 29th of
September, and on which the Indians celebrate the
festival of their titular saint Michael, when they
are visited by their curate, who then hears their
confessions and says mass. At this time this settle-
ment has somewhat the appearance of a Catholic
people ; but being all the rest of the year left to
themselves, it is not to be wondered that many re-
lapse into their pristine state of gentilisra and idola-
try. Three leagues w. of its capital.

CHONGON, a settlement of Indians of the
province and government of Guayaquil in the kingdom
of Quito; situate near a small torrent, re-
nowned for the stones which it washes down, of a
certain crystallized matter, which being polished,
resemble brilliants, and are used as buttons, rings,
and other trinkets.

CHONGOS, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Xauxa in Peru.

CHONTA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Abancay in Peru.

Other, another settlement in the province and
corregimiento of Guamalies of the same kingdom,
famous for its mine of quicksilver.

CHONTAI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Chorrillo.

CHONTALES, a district of the corregimiento
or alcaldia mayor of Matagulpa, in the kingdom of
Guatemala and province of Nicaragua. It is but
small, and its natives have this name from the Spa-
niards, who would by it express their natural un-
couthness and stupidity.

CHOPADA, a settlement of the Portuguese, in
the kingdom of Brazil and country of the Guayazas
Indians ; situate on the bank and at the source
of the river Tocantines.

CHOPARE, a river of the province and government
of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito. It flows


La Capital es la Ciudad del mismo nombre, fundada desde la gentilidad del Imperio Mexicano, quando se estableció esta nación contra la Chichimeca: fue una de las mas populosas, pues tenia 300 vecinos, y 300 templos, y sirvió de freno y antemural a Moctezuma, para hacer frente a la República de Tiaxclala, nunca sujeta al yugo Mexicano: fue esta Ciudad la que. dio mas que hacer a Hernán Cortés, pues aunque lo recibieron de paz con extraordinario agasajo, descubrió felizmente la conjuración que tenían dispuesta para acabar con él y con todo su exército, pero salió dichosamente dexándolos escarmentados con el castigo que hizo en ellos: conserva muchos monumentos de su antiguedad, y aunque estuvo muy arraigada en ella la idolatría, hoy está bien establecida en sus naturales la luz del Evangelio: es de temperamento benigno y saludable, mas inclinado al frío que al calor, situada en un terreno llano, fértil y hermoso: tiene un bello Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco, que es casa de Estudios, y su vecindario se compone de 50 familias de Españoles, 468 de Mestizos, Mulatos y Negros, 606 de Indios: en un cerro que está muy inmediato a la entrada de la Ciudad por la parte del Oriente hay una hermosa Capilla en que se venera con magnífico culto una Imagen de María Santísima con la advocación de los Remedios: está poco mas de 20 leguas al Oriente de México, 4 de Tlaxtala: long. 274...14. lat. 19. .48.

CHONE, Pueblo en otros tiempos considerable; pero hoy muy mísero de la Provincia antigua de Cara, que ahora está unida a la de Esmeraldas: está a orilla del río Chones por la parte Septentrional, de clima caliente y húmedo, en 33 min. 20 seg. de latit. austr.

CHONES, Río grande de la Provincia de Cara en el Reyno de Quito: corre al Poniente, y recoge los de Sánchez y de Tossagua por la parte del N, y por la del S los de Camarón y del Platanal: en su entrada al Septentrión estaba la Ciudad de Cara, de que aun se ven algunos vestigios: a su salida al mar Pacífico 6 del Sur forma la Bahía llamada de Cara, entre la Punta austral de Bellaca y la boreal de Jaca: la boca tiene de ancho casi dos millas y media, y está en 34 gr. de lat. austr.

CHONGO, San Miguel de, Pueblo de la Alcaldía mayor de Huamelula: es de temperamento muy frío, por estar situado en la inmediación de la sierra nevada de los Chontales que la tiene por el N: su vecindario es de 24 familias de Indios, que comercian en grana, semillas y frutas, y produce con abundancia por la fertilidad del Pais, regado de dos ríos que pasan a corta distancia del Pueblo, que es anexo al Curato de Tepaltepec de la jurisdicción y Alcaldía mayor de Nexapa de donde dista 20 leguas, cuya distancia y la aspereza de los caminos, son causa de que no logren con frequencia el Pasto espiritual y la instrucción de los dogmas de nuestra Santa Fe, siendo lo mas sensible que mueran sin Sacramentos, y solamente un dia en cada año, que es el 29 de Septiembre, en que celebran los Indios la fiesta de su titular San Miguel, concurre el Cura a decirles Misa y confesarlos, en cuyo tiempo parece población de Católicos, siendo el resto del año imagen deA gentilismo, por lo qual reinciden muchos en su idolatría: está 3 leguas al Poniente de su Capital.

CHONGON, Pueblo de Indios de la Provincia y Gobierno de Guayaquil en el Reyno de Quito, situado cerca de un pequeño torrente, célebre por las piedras que trae de cierta materia christalizada, que labradas semejan a los brillantes, y se usan en botonaduras, sortijas y otras alhajas: está en 2 gr. de lat. aust.

CHONGOS, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Xauxa en el Perú.

CHONTA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Abancay en el Perú.

Tiene el mismo nombre otro pueblo hay del mismo nombre en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Guamalies del propio Reyno, célebre por una mina de azogue que hay en él,

CHONTAI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Huarochiri en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Chorrillo.

CHONTALES, Partido del Corregimiento o Alcaldía mayor de Matagalpa en el Reyno de Guatemala y Provincia de Nicaragua: es muy corto y sus naturales tienen este nombre, que les dieron los Españoles para expresar su rusticidad y torpeza.

CHOPADA, Pueblo de los Portugueses en el Reyno del Brasil y Pais de los Indios Guayazas, situado a la orilla y Cabecera del río Tocantines.

CHOPARE, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno de Moxos en el Reyno de Quito: baxa




constitution left the lower people little more free-
dom than they would have possessed under the
government of the Aztec kings.]

The capital is the city of the same name, founded
as far back as the time ofthegentilism of the Mexi-
can empire, when this nation was at enmity with
that of Chichimeca ; it was then one of the most
populous cities, and contained 30,000 inhabitants
and 300 temples, and served as a barrier to Moc-
tezuma, in the attack against the republic of
Tlaxclala ; the latter place never having been sub-
jected to the Mexican yoke. This was the city
which of all others most thwarted the designs of
Hernan Cortes, but the inhabitants were discovered
in the conspiracy they had laid against him, when
they pretended to receive him with open arrhs and
a peaceable and friendly disposition, and were
made by him to suffer severely for their hypocrisy ;
after which he and his whole army escaped un-
injured. This city has many monuments denoting
its antiquity ; and although in ancient times idolatry
was here carried to its highest pitch, yet the light
of the gospel has spread widely around its enliven-
ing rays. It is of a mild and healthy temperature,
rather inclined to cold than heat, being situate on
a level, fertile, and beautiful plain. It has a good
convent of the order of St. Francis, which is also
a house of studies. Its inhabitants are composed
of 50 families of Spaniards, 458 of Mustees, Mu-
lattoes and Negroes, and 606 of Indians. On a
lofty spot which lies close to the entrance, on the
c. side of the city, is a handsome chapel, in which
is venerated the image of the blessed virgin,
which also bears the dedicatory title of Los Rente-
dios. It is a little more than 20 leagues to the e.
of Mexico, and four from Tlaxclala. Long. 98°
14'. Lat. 19° 4'. [Its population is at present
estimated at about 16,000 souls.]

CHONE, a settlement which in former times
was considerable, but now much impoverished, in
the ancient province of Cara, which is at present
united to that of Esmeraldas. It lies upon the
shore of the river Chones to the n. and is of an
hot and moist climate, in lat. 33° s.

CHONES, a large river of the province of
Cara in the kingdom of Quito. It runs to the w.
and collects the waters of the Sanchez and theTos-
sagua on the n. and on the s. those of the Cama-
ron and the Platanal. At its entrance on the n.
stood the city of Cara, of which the vestiges still
remain. Where it runs into the sea it forms the
bay of Cara, between the s. point of Bellaca and
the n. point of laca. Its mouth is nearly two
miles and an half wide.

CHONGO, San Miguel de, a settlement of
the alcaldíta mayor of Huamelula. It is of a very
cold temperature, from its being situate in the vi-
cinity of the sierra Nevada (or Snowy) of the Chon-
tales, which lies on the n. side of it. Its inhabi-
tants amount to 24 families of Indians, who trade
in cochineal, seeds, and fruits, of which the coun-
try, being naturally luxuriant, produces great quan-
tities. It is watered by rivers which pass at a
little distance, and is annexed to the curacy of
Tepaltepec of the jurisdiction and alcaldia mayor
of Nexapa, from whence it lies 20 leagues. It is-,
on account of this great distance, combined with
the badness of the roads, that the natives so sel-
dom can avail themselves of any instruction in the
holy faith ; dying, as they often do, without the
administration of the sacraments. Indeed, there is
only one day in the year, which is the 29th of
September, and on which the Indians celebrate the
festival of their titular saint Michael, when they
are visited by their curate, who then hears their
confessions and says mass. At this time this settle-
ment has somewhat the appearance of a Catholic
people ; but being all the rest of the year left to
themselves, it is not to be wondered that many re-
lapse into their pristine state of gentilisra and idola-
try. Three leagues w. of its capital.

CHONGON, a settlement of Indians of the
province and government of Guayaquil in the kingdom
of Quito; situate near a small torrent, re-
nowned for the stones which it washes down, of a
certain crystallized matter, which being polished,
resemble brilliants, and are used as buttons, rings,
and other trinkets.

CHONGOS, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Xauxa in Peru.

CHONTA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Abancay in Peru.

Other, another settlement in the province and
corregimiento of Guamalies of the same kingdom,
famous for its mine of quicksilver.

CHONTAI, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Chorrillo.

CHONTALES, a district of the corregimiento
or alcaldia mayor of Matagulpa, in the kingdom of
Guatemala and province of Nicaragua. It is but
small, and its natives have this name from the Spa-
niards, who would by it express their natural un-
couthness and stupidity.

CHOPADA, a settlement of the Portuguese, in
the kingdom of Brazil and country of the Guayazas
Indians ; situate on the bank and at the source
of the river Tocantines.

CHOPARE, a river of the province and government
of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito. It flows
