| 472C I c
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but very little known, of Indians, of the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada, bordering upon the river
Fusagasuga. They are few, and live dispersed in
the woods, having a communication with the Faeces
and Fusungaes.
[CHYENNES, Indians of N. America, the
remnant of a nation once respectable in point of
number. They formerly resided on a branch of
the Red river of Lake Winnipie, which still bears
their name. Being oppressed by the Sioux, they
removed to the w, side of the Missouri, about
15 miles below the mouth of Warricunne creek,
where they built and fortified a village ; but
being pursued by their ancient enemies the Sioux,
they fled to the Black hills, about the head of the
Chyenne river, where they wander in quest of the
buffalo, having no fixed residence. They do not
cultivate. They are well disposed towards the
whites, and might easily be induced to settle on the
Missouri, if they could be assured of being pro-
tected from the Sioux. Their number annually
diminishes. Their trade may be made valuable.]
[CIACICA. See Cicasica.]
CIBAMBE, a settlement of the district and cor-
regimiento of Alausi in the kingdom of Quito.
CIBAYA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Arica in Peru.
[CIBOLA, or Civola, the name of a town in,
ana also the ancient name of, New Granada in
Tierra Firroe, S. America. The country here,
though not mountainous, is very cool ; and the
Indians are said to be the whitest, wittiest, most
sincere and orderly of all the aboriginal Americans.
When the country was discovered, they had each
but one wife, and were excessively jealous. They
worshipped water, and an old woman that was a
magician ; and believed she lay hid under one of
CIBOO, Minas de, some rough and craggy
mountains, nearly in the centre of the island of St. Domingo,
where some gold mines are worked, and
from whence great wealth was procured at the be*
ginning of the conquest.
CIBOUX, a small island near the e. coast of
the Isla Real, or Cape Breton, between the port
Delfin and the entrance of the lake of Labrador.
CICASICA, a province and corregimiento of
Perú ; bounded n. and n. e. by the mountains of
the Andes, and the province of Larecaxa ; e. by
the province of Cochabamba ; s. e. by that of Paria
and coTTCgirnicnto of Oruro ; on the s . it is touched
by the river of Desaguadero ; s. w, by the province
of Pacages ; and n. w.. and w. by the city of La Paz.
It is one of the greatest in the whole kingdom,
since the corregidor is obliged to place here 12
lieutenants for the administration of justice, on ac-
count of its extent. It is five leagues from n. to j.
and 80 from e. to w. Its temperature is various ;
in some parts there are some very cold serrantasy
in which breed every species of cattle, in proportion
to the number of estates found there. That part
which borders upon the Andes is very hot and
moist, but at the same time fertile, and abounding
in all kinds of fruits and plantations of sugar-cane,
and in cacao estates, the crops of which are very
great, and produce a lucrative commerce ; the use
of this leaf, which was before only common to the
Indians, being now general amongst the Spaniards
of both sexes and all classes ; so that one basket-
ful, which formerly cost no more than five dollars,
will now fetch from 10 to 11 ; vines are also culti-
vated, and from these is made excellent wine. This
province is watered by the river La Paz, which is
the source of the Beni ; also by a river descending
from the branches of the cordillera, and which, in
the wet season, is tolerably large. At the river
Corico begins the navigation by means of rafts to
the settlement of Los Reyes. Amongst the pro-
ductions of this province may be counted Jesuits
bark, equal to that of Loxa, according to the ex-
periments made at Lima. This province begins at
the river Majaviri, which divides the suburbs of
Santa Barbara from the city of La Paz, and here
is a little valley watered by the above river, and in
it are a few houses or country-seats belonging to
the inhabitants of the above city. This valley,
which is of a delightful temperature, extends as
far as the gold mine called Clmquiahuilla, on
the skirt of the cordillera, where was found
that rich lump of gold which weighed 90 marks,
the largest ever seen in that kingdom, with the pe-
culiarity, that upon assaying it, it was found to
have six different alloys ; its degrees of perfec-
tion differing from 18 to 23 j ; and that being
valued in Spanish money, it proved to be worth
11,269 dollars reals. This prize was carried to
the royal treasury, and upon this occasion the
Marquis of Castelfuerte, then viceroy, received
the thanks of his majesty. In the territory of
Cinco Curatos (or Five Curacies) of the Andes are
found in the forests excellent woods, such as cedars,
corcoholos, &c. and many fine fruits, also tobacco.
It had formerly very rich mines of gold and silver,
which are still known to exist in other mountains
besides that of Santiago, but the natives have no in-
clination to work them. The aforementioned
mountain has the peculiarity of abounding in either
sort of the said metals. In the asiento of the mines
of Arica, there is a gold mine which produces but
little. From the wo^ of the flocks are made sora«
TranslationCHIBAMBE, Pueblo del Partido y Corregimiento de Alausi en el Reyno de Quito.
CIBAYA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Arica en el Perú.
CIBOO, Minas de, montañas ásperas y quebradasde la Isla de Santo Domingo : casi en el centro de ella donde se trabajaron excelentes minas de oro, y se sacó muchísima riqueza al principio de la conquista.
CIBOUX, Isla pequeña cerca de la Costa del E de la Isla Real o Cabo. Breton, entre el Puerto Delfín y la entrada del Lago del Labrador.
CICASICA , Provincia y Corregimiento del Perú: confina por el N y NE con las montañas de los Andes y Provincia de Larecaxa: por el E con la de Cochabamba: por el SE con la de Paria y Corregimiento de Oruro; por el S toca alguna parte del río del Desaguadero; por el SO con la de Pacajes, y por él NO y O con la Ciudad de la Paz. Es una de las mayores de todo el Reyno, pues necesita su Corregidor poner 12 Tenientes en ella para la administración de justicia por su extensión, que es de 50 leguas N S y 80 E O: su temperamento es vario, pues por una parte hay serranías muy Frias en que se cria toda especie de ganados en una porción de haciendas que tiene: por la parte que toca a los Andes es muy cálido y húmedo, pero al mismo tiempo fértil y abundante de todas frutas y cañaverales de azúcar, y haciendas de coca, cuya cosecha es muy grande, y de que hace un lucroso comercio, por haberse propagado el uso de esta hoja ( que antes solo servia a los Indios, a los Españoles de uno y otro sexo, y a toda especie de gentes, de modo que valiendo un cesto en otros tiempos 5 pesos, llega hoy a venderse a 10 y 11: también se cultivan viñas de que hacen buen vino: riega esta Provincia el río de la Paz, que es el fnacimiento del Beni, que pasa por el Pueblo de los Reyes, el mas occidental de los Moxos: ademas de este hay otros que descienden de los ramos de la Cordillera, y en tiempo de aguas son caudalosos: por el de Coroico se empieza la navegación en balsas para el Pueblo dicho de los Reyes: entre las producciones de esta Provincia se debe contar la cascarilla o quina tan buena como la de Loxa, según se ha experimentado en Lima: desde el arroyo de Majaviri, que divide el arrabal de Santa Bárbara de la Ciudad de la Paz, da principio esta Provincia, y en un pequeño valle que riega hay algunas casas de recreo o quintas pertenecientes a algunos vecinos de ella: este valle que es de hermoso temperamento, se extiende hasta el; antiguo mineral; de oro llamado Chuquiahuilla en la falda de la Cordillera, donde se halló aquella rica pepita que pesó 90 marcos, y es la, mayor que se ha. visto en aquel Reyrio, con la. particularidad de que quilateada por todas partes se le hallaron 6 leyes diferentes, desde, 18 quilates hasta, 23, y abaluado el castellano importó; 11.269 pesos 311 reales, comprándose, de cuenta de la Real Hacienda, de que S. M. dio gracias; al. Marques de Castelfuerte, que era virey entonces: en el territorio de 5 Curatos, de los Andes se sacan de sus bosques excelentes maderas, como cedros, coeobolos, etc., y muy buenas. frutas, y tabaco tuyo antes, minas muy ricas, de oro y plata, y todavía se reconocen en el cerro de Santiago y otros, pero no se resuelven sus naturales, a trabajarlas, y en el referido cerro la que hay tiene, la particularidad, de hallarse, uno y otro metal: en el asiento de. Aracá. hay uno de oro que produce poco: de las lanas de los ganados labran alguna ropa | 472C I c
C I c
but very little known, of Indians, of the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada, bordering upon the river
Fusagasuga. They are few, and live dispersed in
the woods, having a communication with the Faeces
and Fusungaes.
[CHYENNES, Indians of N. America, the
remnant of a nation once respectable in point of
number. They formerly resided on a branch of
the Red river of Lake Winnipie, which still bears
their name. Being oppressed by the Sioux, they
removed to the w, side of the Missouri, about
15 miles below the mouth of Warricunne creek,
where they built and fortified a village ; but
being pursued by their ancient enemies the Sioux,
they fled to the Black hills, about the head of the
Chyenne river, where they wander in quest of the
buffalo, having no fixed residence. They do not
cultivate. They are well disposed towards the
whites, and might easily be induced to settle on the
Missouri, if they could be assured of being pro-
tected from the Sioux. Their number annually
diminishes. Their trade may be made valuable.]
[CIACICA. See Cicasica.]
CIBAMBE, a settlement of the district and cor-
regimiento of Alausi in the kingdom of Quito.
CIBAYA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Arica in Peru.
[CIBOLA, or Civola, the name of a town in,
ana also the ancient name of, New Granada in
Tierra Firroe, S. America. The country here,
though not mountainous, is very cool ; and the
Indians are said to be the whitest, wittiest, most
sincere and orderly of all the aboriginal Americans.
When the country was discovered, they had each
but one wife, and were excessively jealous. They
worshipped water, and an old woman that was a
magician ; and believed she lay hid under one of
CIBOO, Minas de, some rough and craggy
mountains, nearly in the centre of the island of St. Domingo,
where some gold mines are worked, and
from whence great wealth was procured at the be*
ginning of the conquest.
CIBOUX, a small island near the e. coast of
the Isla Real, or Cape Breton, between the port
Delfin and the entrance of the lake of Labrador.
CICASICA, a province and corregimiento of
Perú ; bounded n. and n. e. by the mountains of
the Andes, and the province of Larecaxa ; e. by
the province of Cochabamba ; s. e. by that of Paria
and coTTCgirnicnto of Oruro ; on the s . it is touched
by the river of Desaguadero ; s. w, by the province
of Pacages ; and n. w.. and w. by the city of La Paz.
It is one of the greatest in the whole kingdom,
since the corregidor is obliged to place here 12
lieutenants for the administration of justice, on ac-
count of its extent. It is five leagues from n. to j.
and 80 from e. to w. Its temperature is various ;
in some parts there are some very cold serrantasy
in which breed every species of cattle, in proportion
to the number of estates found there. That part
which borders upon the Andes is very hot and
moist, but at the same time fertile, and abounding
in all kinds of fruits and plantations of sugar-cane,
and in cacao estates, the crops of which are very
great, and produce a lucrative commerce ; the use
of this leaf, which was before only common to the
Indians, being now general amongst the Spaniards
of both sexes and all classes ; so that one basket-
ful, which formerly cost no more than five dollars,
will now fetch from 10 to 11 ; vines are also culti-
vated, and from these is made excellent wine. This
province is watered by the river La Paz, which is
the source of the Beni ; also by a river descending
from the branches of the cordillera, and which, in
the wet season, is tolerably large. At the river
Corico begins the navigation by means of rafts to
the settlement of Los Reyes. Amongst the pro-
ductions of this province may be counted Jesuits
bark, equal to that of Loxa, according to the ex-
periments made at Lima. This province begins at
the river Majaviri, which divides the suburbs of
Santa Barbara from the city of La Paz, and here
is a little valley watered by the above river, and in
it are a few houses or country-seats belonging to
the inhabitants of the above city. This valley,
which is of a delightful temperature, extends as
far as the gold mine called Clmquiahuilla, on
the skirt of the cordillera, where was found
that rich lump of gold which weighed 90 marks,
the largest ever seen in that kingdom, with the pe-
culiarity, that upon assaying it, it was found to
have six different alloys ; its degrees of perfec-
tion differing from 18 to 23 j ; and that being
valued in Spanish money, it proved to be worth
11,269 dollars reals. This prize was carried to
the royal treasury, and upon this occasion the
Marquis of Castelfuerte, then viceroy, received
the thanks of his majesty. In the territory of
Cinco Curatos (or Five Curacies) of the Andes are
found in the forests excellent woods, such as cedars,
corcoholos, &c. and many fine fruits, also tobacco.
It had formerly very rich mines of gold and silver,
which are still known to exist in other mountains
besides that of Santiago, but the natives have no in-
clination to work them. The aforementioned
mountain has the peculiarity of abounding in either
sort of the said metals. In the asiento of the mines
of Arica, there is a gold mine which produces but
little. From the wo^ of the flocks are made sora«
Translation |