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rodeleon at Oct 16, 2018 01:20 PM




which the inhabitants trade. These are composed of
34 Indian families. It is a little more than three
leagues from its head settlement,

AIOZINGO, a settlement of the alcaldía mayor
of Chaleo in Nueva España, situate on the shore
of the lake of Mexico, with a good port, at which
are embarked the fruits of many provinces for the
supply of that capital, (Chaleo), which is within
eight or ten hours sail from hence. It has a good
convent of S. Augustin, where a most beauti-
ful image of the virgin is reverenced, and sup-
posed to be wonder-working. Its inhabitants con-
sist of 120 Indian families and some Spanish. It
is distant one league s, s. e. from its capital.

AIQUILE, a settlement of the province of Mizque in Peru.

AIRICOS, a nation of Indians who inhabit the
plains of Cazanare and Meta, of the new kingdom
of Granada, to the c. of the mountains of Bogota,
on the borders of the river Ele. It is numerous,
and feared by all its neighbours, on account of its
valour and dexterity in the use of arms.

Airicos, with the dedicatory title of San
Francisco Xavier, a settlement which belonged
to the Jesuits, and founded in 1662 by father An-
tonio de Monteverde, and composed of some of
those Indians who were thus reduced to the Catho-
lic faith.

AIRIHUANCA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Cotabamba in Peru.

AIRS, a small city of the province and colony
of New Jersey, in the county of Burlington.

AIUDA, Nuestra Senora be la, a village
and settlement of the Portuguese, in the province
and captainship of Pernambuco in Brazil, situate
upon the sea-coast, and on the shore of the river
S. Miguel.

Aiuda, another settlement in the province and
captainship of Puerto Seguro, situate upon the
coast on the shore of the port.

AIUILA, a river of the province and alcaldia
mayor of Soconusco, in the kingdom of Guate-
mala: It runs into the S. sea between the settle-
ment of Suchitepec and the river Coatlan.

AIUINOS, a nation of Indians of the province
and government of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana,
converted to the faith by father Francisco Olinano,
of the abolished society of the Jesuits, in 1624.
They live towards the n. of the above province,
and in the times of their heathenism they dwelt in
the lofty mountains, in order that they might de-
fend themselves from the other nations with whom
they were at war. They are docile, well-inclined,
and of good habits.

AIUN, or luMERi, a river of the province and


viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres. It runs s. and enters
the Rio Negro.

AIUNCHA, Pago BE, a settlement of the pro-
vince and government of Tucuman, in the district
and jurisdiction of the city of Santiago del Estero,
from whence it is 22 leagues distant. It is situate
on the shore of the river Dulce.

AIUTLA, the head settlement of the district of
the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana.
It is of a cold temperature, containing 187 Indian
families, and a convent of the religious order of S.
Domingo ; distant 13 leagues to the e. of its capi-

Aiutla, another settlement in the head settle-
ment of the district and alcaldia mayor of Autlan
of the same kingdom, with 23 Indian families, who
have large stores of pulse and fruit, so rich and fer-
tile is their country. It is annexed to the curacy of
Tenamaztlani, from whence it lies one league s,

AlUA, a small town of the island of St. Domin-
go, situate in the line which divides the Spanish
territory from the French. It was the inhabitants
of this town who chiefly contributed to ensure the
victory which was gained against the Spaniards in
the plain of Puerto Real, by the president Don
Francisco de Segura y Sandoval, in 1691.

AIX, Palmar be, a large beach on the coast
of Florida, within the channel of Bahama, near
the point of Canaveral ; memorable for the ship-
wreck of 22 vessels, composing the fleet of Nueva
Espana, which took place in 1715, being under the
command of Don Antonio de Ubila ; memorable
also for the loss of two galleons from Tierra Firme,
commanded by Don Antonio de Echevers ; the
loss of the one and the other amounting to nearly
20 million dollars.

Aix, a river of the same province, which runs
into the sea very near the Palmar.

AJOIANI, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Carabaya in Peru, annexed to the
curacy of Coaza.

[AJOS, a parish situate on the foot of the moun-
tains which separate the rivers Paraguay and Pa-
rana, about 24 leagues e. of Asuncion. Lat. 23°
26' 34" s. Long. 56° 30' w.~\

AJOUES, a settlement of Indians of the pro-
vince and government of Louisiana, in which the
French held a garrison and fort for its defence, on
the shore of a lake near the Missouri.

A joues, another settlement of the same province
and government, situate on the shore of the river

AKANCEAS, a nation of savage Indians of N.
America, who live at the conflux of the rivers
Mississippi, and another abundant stream of its


AIOZINGO, Pueblo de la Alcaldía mayor de Chalco, en Nueva España, situado a orilla de la laguna de México, con un buen Puerto en que embarcan los frutos de muchas Provincias, para el abasto de aquella Capital, cuya navegación es de 8 u 10 horas: tiene un Convento de San Agustín, donde se venera una Imagen hermosísima de nuestra Señora, con fama de muy milagrosa; su vecindario es de iao familias de Indios, y algunas de Españoles: dista una legua al S SE de su Capital.

AIQUILE, Pueblo de la Provincia de Mizque, en el Perú.

AIRICOS, Nación de Indios que habita en los Llanos de Cazanare y Meta, del Nuevo Reyno de Granada, al Levante de las montañas de Bogotá, en las inmediaciones del río Ele, es numerosa, y temida de todas las demás por su valor y destreza en el maneio de las armas.

Tiene el mismo nombre con la advocación de San Francisco Xavier, un Pueblo de las Misiones que tenian allí los Regulares de la extinguida Compañía, fundado el año de 1662 por el Padre Antonio de Monteverde, con algunos de estos Indios que redujo a la fe católica.

AIRIHUANCA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Cotabamba, en el Perú.

AIRS, Ciudad pequeña de la Provincia y Colonia de Nueva Jersey, en el Condado de Burlington.

AYUDA, Nuestra Señora de la, Aldea y Pueblo de los Portugueses, en la Provincia y Capitanía de Pernambuco, en el Brasil, situada sobre la Costa del mar a orilla del río de S.Miguel.

Otro Pueblo hay con el mismo nombre y advocación en la Provincia y Capitanía de Puerto Seguro, también situado en la Costa a orilla del Puerto.

AIUILA, río de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Soconusco, en el Reyno de Guatemala: sale al mar del Sur, entre el Pueblo de Suchitepec y el río de Coatlán.

AIUINOS, Nación de Indios de la Provincia y Gobierno de Cinaloa, en Nueva España, reducidos a la fe por el Padre Francisco Oliñano de la extinguida Compañía el año de 1604; habitan al N de la referida Provincia, y en tiempo de su gentilidad en los cerros mas altos, para defenderse de las demás naciones, con quienes tenían Guerra; son dóciles y bien inclinados y de buenas costumbres.

AIUN, río de la Provincia y Virreynato de Buenos Ayres, corre al S y entra en el río Negro.

AIUNCHA, Pago de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman, en el distrito y jurisdicción de la Ciudad de Santiago del Estero, de donde dista 11 leguas; está situado a orilla del río Dulce.

AIUTLA, Pueblo y Cabecera de Partido de la Alcaldía mayor de Villalta, en Nueva España; es de temperamento frío, tiene 187 familias de Indios y un Convento de Religiosos de Sto. Domingo; dista 13 leguas al Oriente de su Capital.

Otro Pueblo hay del mismo nombre en la Cabecera de Partido de la Alcaldía mayor de Autlán, del propio Reyno, con 23 familias de Indios, que cogen muchas legumbres y frutas, por ser el Pais muy fértil; es anexo al Curato ae Tenamaztláni, de donde dista legua y media al S.

AIUA, Villa pequeña de la Isla de Santo Domingo, situada en la línea que divide el territorio Español del de los Franceses, cuyos vecinos fueron los que mas contribuyeron a la victoria que ganó contra aquellos en el llano de Puerto Real, el Presidente D. Francisco de Segura y Sandoval el año de 1691.

AIX, Palmar de, Playón de la Costa de la Florida, dentro del Canal de Bahama, cerca de la Punta de Cañaveral, memorable por haber naufragado en el año de 1715, navios de la flota de Nueva España, al mando de Don Antonio de Ubila, y de los Galeones de Tierra Firme al de Don Antonio de Echevers, interesados unos y otros en cerca de 20 millones de pesos.

Tiene el mismo nombre, un río de la misma Provincia, que sale al mar muy cerca del Palmar.

AJOIANI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Carabaya, en el Perú, anexo al curato de Coaza.

AJOUES, Pueblo de Indios de la Provincia y Gobierno de la Luisiana, en que tenian los Franceses su establecimiento y fuerte para su defensa a orilla de un lago, cerca del de Missouri.

Tiene el mismo nombre, otro Pueblo de la propia Provincia y Gobierno, sitiudo a orilla del río Missouri,

AKANCEAS, Nación de Indios Salvages de América Septentrional, que habita en el confluente del río Missisipi, y de otro muy caudaloso de su mismo nombre. La religión de estos Idólatras es muy singular, pues reconocen una sola Deidad, que creen se les manifiesta baxo la figura de algún animal que pace en sus campos, y quando muere substituyen otro después de haber hecho las mayores demostraciones de sentimiento por el difunto.




which the inhabitants trade. These are composed of
34 Indian families. It is a little more than three
leagues from its head settlement,

AIOZINGO, a settlement of the alcaldía mayor
of Chaleo in Nueva España, situate on the shore
of the lake of Mexico, with a good port, at which
are embarked the fruits of many provinces for the
supply of that capital, (Chaleo), which is within
eight or ten hours sail from hence. It has a good
convent of S. Augustin, where a most beauti-
ful image of the virgin is reverenced, and sup-
posed to be wonder-working. Its inhabitants con-
sist of 120 Indian families and some Spanish. It
is distant one league s, s. e. from its capital.

AIQUILE, a settlement of the province of Mizque in Peru.

AIRICOS, a nation of Indians who inhabit the
plains of Cazanare and Meta, of the new kingdom
of Granada, to the c. of the mountains of Bogota,
on the borders of the river Ele. It is numerous,
and feared by all its neighbours, on account of its
valour and dexterity in the use of arms.

Airicos, with the dedicatory title of San
Francisco Xavier, a settlement which belonged
to the Jesuits, and founded in 1662 by father An-
tonio de Monteverde, and composed of some of
those Indians who were thus reduced to the Catho-
lic faith.

AIRIHUANCA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Cotabamba in Peru.

AIRS, a small city of the province and colony
of New Jersey, in the county of Burlington.

AIUDA, Nuestra Senora be la, a village
and settlement of the Portuguese, in the province
and captainship of Pernambuco in Brazil, situate
upon the sea-coast, and on the shore of the river
S. Miguel.

Aiuda, another settlement in the province and
captainship of Puerto Seguro, situate upon the
coast on the shore of the port.

AIUILA, a river of the province and alcaldia
mayor of Soconusco, in the kingdom of Guate-
mala: It runs into the S. sea between the settle-
ment of Suchitepec and the river Coatlan.

AIUINOS, a nation of Indians of the province
and government of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana,
converted to the faith by father Francisco Olinano,
of the abolished society of the Jesuits, in 1624.
They live towards the n. of the above province,
and in the times of their heathenism they dwelt in
the lofty mountains, in order that they might de-
fend themselves from the other nations with whom
they were at war. They are docile, well-inclined,
and of good habits.

AIUN, or luMERi, a river of the province and


viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres. It runs s. and enters
the Rio Negro.

AIUNCHA, Pago BE, a settlement of the pro-
vince and government of Tucuman, in the district
and jurisdiction of the city of Santiago del Estero,
from whence it is 22 leagues distant. It is situate
on the shore of the river Dulce.

AIUTLA, the head settlement of the district of
the alcaldia mayor of Villalta in Nueva Espana.
It is of a cold temperature, containing 187 Indian
families, and a convent of the religious order of S.
Domingo ; distant 13 leagues to the e. of its capi-

Aiutla, another settlement in the head settle-
ment of the district and alcaldia mayor of Autlan
of the same kingdom, with 23 Indian families, who
have large stores of pulse and fruit, so rich and fer-
tile is their country. It is annexed to the curacy of
Tenamaztlani, from whence it lies one league s,

AlUA, a small town of the island of St. Domin-
go, situate in the line which divides the Spanish
territory from the French. It was the inhabitants
of this town who chiefly contributed to ensure the
victory which was gained against the Spaniards in
the plain of Puerto Real, by the president Don
Francisco de Segura y Sandoval, in 1691.

AIX, Palmar be, a large beach on the coast
of Florida, within the channel of Bahama, near
the point of Canaveral ; memorable for the ship-
wreck of 22 vessels, composing the fleet of Nueva
Espana, which took place in 1715, being under the
command of Don Antonio de Ubila ; memorable
also for the loss of two galleons from Tierra Firme,
commanded by Don Antonio de Echevers ; the
loss of the one and the other amounting to nearly
20 million dollars.

Aix, a river of the same province, which runs
into the sea very near the Palmar.

AJOIANI, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Carabaya in Peru, annexed to the
curacy of Coaza.

[AJOS, a parish situate on the foot of the moun-
tains which separate the rivers Paraguay and Pa-
rana, about 24 leagues e. of Asuncion. Lat. 23°
26' 34" s. Long. 56° 30' w.~\

AJOUES, a settlement of Indians of the pro-
vince and government of Louisiana, in which the
French held a garrison and fort for its defence, on
the shore of a lake near the Missouri.

A joues, another settlement of the same province
and government, situate on the shore of the river

AKANCEAS, a nation of savage Indians of N.
America, who live at the conflux of the rivers
Mississippi, and another abundant stream of its
