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4 revisions
jgo384 at Oct 12, 2018 11:14 AM





residences here, it has fallen into decay ; and al-
though it is now reduced to a small town, the-4itle
of Capital has not been taken from it. Its only
inhabitants are those who own some estates in its
district, and this forms a government subordinate
to that of the Havana. [The damage done by the
earthquake of October 1810, to the shipping at tlie
Havana, was computed at 600,000 dollars.; the
injury at St. Jago could not be correctly estimated,
but the loss of the lives at both places was believed
to be not fewer than 350. In long. 76° 3', and
lat. 20° r.l

CUBAGUA, an island of the N. sea, near the
coast of Tierra Firme, discovered by tiie Admiral
Christopher Columbus. It is three leagues in
circumference, and is barren, but has been, -in
former times, celebrated for the almost incredible
abundance of beautiful pearls found upon the
coast, the riches of which caused its commerce to
be very great, and promoted the building in it
the city of New Cadiz; but at present, since the
fishery is abandoned, this town has fallen entirely
into decay, and the island has become desert. It
is a little more than a league’s distance from the
island of Margareta, in lat. 10° 42' n.

CUBAZ, a settlement of the province and cap-
tainship of San Vincente in Brazil ; situate between
the rivers Pedroza and Recisto.

CUBIGIES, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito.

CUBILLI, a lake of the kingdom of Quito,
in the province and corregimiento of Alausi, near
the paramo or mountain desert of Tioloma.

CUBZIO, a settlement of the corregimiento
of Bogota in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada;
situate ort the shore of the river Bogota, near the
famous waterfal of Tequendama. Its climate is
agreeable and fertile, and it abounds in gardens
and orchards, in which are particularly cultivated
white lilies, these meeting with a ready sale for
ornamenting the churches of Santa Fe and the
other neighbouring settlements.

CUCAITA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de
; situate in a valley which is pleasant,
and of a cold and healthy temperature. It pro-
duces in abundance very good wheat, maize,
truffles, and other fruits of a cold climate ; here
are some fiocks of sheep, and of their wool are
made various woven articles. It is small, but never-
theless contains 23 families and 50 Indians. It
is a league and an half to the s. w. of Tunja, in
the road which leads from Leiba to Chiquinquira
and Velez, between the settlements of Samaca and

CUCHERO, San Antonio de, a settlement
of the province and government of Guanuco in
Peru ; situate at the source and head of the river

CUCHIGAROS, a barbarous nation of In-
dians, little known, who inhabit the shores of the
river Cuchigara, which enters the Maranon, and
is one of the largest of those which are tributary
to the same. The natives call it Purus ; it is na-
vigable, although in some parts abounding with
large rocky shoals, and is filled with fish of dif-
ferent kinds, as also with tortoises ; on its shores
grow maize and other fruits : besides the nation
aforesaid, it has on its borders those of the Gti-
maiaris, Guaquiaris, Cuyaeiyayanes, Curucurus,
Quatausis, Mutuanis, and Curigueres ; these last
are of a gigantic stature, being 16 palms high.
They are very valorous, go naked, have large
pieces of gold in their nostrils and ears ; their set-
tlements lie two long months’ voyage from the
mouth of the river.

CUCHILLO, San Pedro del, a settlement
of the mission which is held by the religious order
of St. Francis, in the precinct of New Mexico.

CUCHILLO, with the addition of Parado, ano-
ther settlement of the missions of the province of
Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ;
situate on the shore of the river Conchos.

CUCHIN, a small river of the territory of
Cuyaba in Brazil. It runs n. and enters the
Camapoa; on its shore is a part called La Es-
tancia, through which the Portuguese are accus-
tomed to carry their canoes on their shoulders, in
order to pass from the navigation of this latter river
to that of the Matogroso.

CUCHIPIN, a small river of the same kingdom (Brazil)
and territory as the two former. It rises in the
mountains of the Caypos Indians, runs n. n» w. and
enters the Taquari.

CUCHIPO, a river of the kingdom of Brazil,
in the same territory as the former. It rises in the
mountains, and runs w.

CUCHIRIHUAY, a settlementof the province
and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in
Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pampachucho.

CUCHIUARA, or Cuckiguara, an island of
the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the
part possessed by the Portuguese. It is in the river
of its name, at the sama mouth by which it
enters the Maranon.

CICHIUERO, a river of the province and
government of Guayana or Nueva Andalucia. It
rises in the sierra of Mataguaida, runs n. and
enters the Ytari.

CUCHUMATLAN, a settlement of the king-


CUBAGUA, Isla de la mar del N cerca de la Costa de Tierra-Firme, descubierta por el Almirante Cristóval Colon: tiene 3 leguas de circuito, y es estéril; pero ha sido célebre en otros tiempos por la quasi increíble abundancia de hermosas perlas que se pescaban en su Costa, cuya riqueza la hacia de gran comercio, y por eso se fundó en ella la Ciudad de Nuevo Cádiz; pero hoy que está abandonada la pesquería, se halla destruida esta población, y desierta la Isla, que dista poco mas de una legua de la de la Margarita en 10 gr.42 mín. de latbor.

CUBAZ, Pueblo de la Provincia y Capitanía de San Vicente en el Brasil, situado entre los rios Pedroza y Recisto.

CUBIGIES, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Riobamba en el Reyno de Quito.

CUBILLI, Laguna del Reyno de Quito en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Alausi cerca del páramo o cerro de Tioloma.

CUBZIO, Pueblo del Corregimiento de Bogotá en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, situado a orilla del río Bogotá, donde da el célebre salto de Tequendama: es de agradable clima, fértil y abundante de huertas y jardines, en que cultivan con particularidad azucenas, de que hacen su principal grangería para adorno de las Iglesias de Santa Fe y demás Pueblos inmediatos.

CUCAITA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Tunja en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, situado en un ameno valle de temperamento frío, pero saludable: produce con abundancia muy buen trigo, maiz, turmas y demás frutos de tierra fria: cria algún ganado ovejuno, y de sus lanas fabrican varios texidos: es corto, pues apenas tiene 25 familias y 50 Indios: está legua y media al SO de Tunja en el camino que va de Leiba a Chiquinquirá y Velez, entre los Pueblos de Samaca y Sora.

CUCHERO, San Antonio de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Guanuco en el Perú, situado en la Cabecera y orilla del río Guallaga.

CUCHIGAROS, Nación bárbara de Indios poco conocida, que habita a las orillas del río Cuchigara que entra en el Marañon, y es uno de los mayores que le tributan: sus naturales lo llaman Puras: es navegable, aunque en aleaos parages tiene grandes peniscos: abunda mucho de peces de diferentes géneros y de tortugas: en sus orillas se cria mucho maíz y otros frutos: ademas de la nación referida tiene las de Cumaiaris, Guaquiaris, Cuyaciyayanes, Curucurus, Quatausis, Mutuanis y Curigueres: éstos últimos son agigantados, pues tienen 16 palmos de altara y son muy valerosos: andan desnudos, con grandes patenas de oro en las narices y orejas: sus Pueblos distan dos meses largos de navegación de la boca del rio.

CUCHILLO, San Pedro del, Pueblo de la Misión que tienen los Religiosos de San Francisco en las juntas del Nuevo México.

Tiene el mismo nombre con el aditamento de Parado otro Pueblo de las Misiones de la Provincia de Taraumara y Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya, situado a oritia del río Conchos.

CUCHIN, Río] pequeña del territorio de Cuyaba en el Brasil: corre al N y entra en el de Camapoa: a su orilla hay un parage llamado la Estancia, por donde pasan en hombros las canoas los Portugueses para penetrar por este último a el Matogroso.

CUCHIPO, Río] del Reyno del Brasil en el mismo territorio que el anterior: nace en la montaña y corre al O.

CUCHIPIN, Río] pequeño del mismo Reyno y territorio que los dos anteriores: nace en las montañas de los Indios Cay apos: corre al N NO y entra en el de Taquari.

CUCHIRIHUAY, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chilques y Masques en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Pampacucho.

CUCHIUARA, o Cuchiguara, Isla de la Provincia y País de las Amazonas en la parte que poseen los Portugueses: está en el río de su nombre a la misma boca por donde entra en el Marañon. y destacando un brazo de agua la rodean éste y el Marañon.

CUCHIUERO, Río] de la Provincia y Gobierno de Guayana o Nueva Andalucía: nace en la Sierra de Mataguaida: corre al N y entra en el de Ytari.

CUCHUMATLAN, Pueblo del Reyno de Goatemala en la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Chiapa.





residences here, it has fallen into decay ; and al-
though it is now reduced to a small town, the-4itle
of Capital has not been taken from it. Its only
inhabitants are those who own some estates in its
district, and this forms a government subordinate
to that of the Havana. [The damage done by the
earthquake of October 1810, to the shipping at tlie
Havana, was computed at 600,000 dollars.; the
injury at St. Jago could not be correctly estimated,
but the loss of the lives at both places was believed
to be not fewer than 350. In long. 76° 3', and
lat. 20° r.l

CUBAGUA, an island of the N. sea, near the
coast of Tierra Firme, discovered by tiie Admiral
Christopher Columbus. It is three leagues in
circumference, and is barren, but has been, -in
former times, celebrated for the almost incredible
abundance of beautiful pearls found upon the
coast, the riches of which caused its commerce to
be very great, and promoted the building in it
the city of New Cadiz; but at present, since the
fishery is abandoned, this town has fallen entirely
into decay, and the island has become desert. It
is a little more than a league’s distance from the
island of Margareta, in lat. 10° 42' n.

CUBAZ, a settlement of the province and cap-
tainship of San Vincente in Brazil ; situate between
the rivers Pedroza and Recisto.

CUBIGIES, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Riobamba in the kingdom of Quito.

CUBILLI, a lake of the kingdom of Quito,
in the province and corregimiento of Alausi, near
the paramo or mountain desert of Tioloma.

CUBZIO, a settlement of the corregimiento
of Bogota in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada;
situate ort the shore of the river Bogota, near the
famous waterfal of Tequendama. Its climate is
agreeable and fertile, and it abounds in gardens
and orchards, in which are particularly cultivated
white lilies, these meeting with a ready sale for
ornamenting the churches of Santa Fe and the
other neighbouring settlements.

CUCAITA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Tunja in the Nuevo Reyno de
; situate in a valley which is pleasant,
and of a cold and healthy temperature. It pro-
duces in abundance very good wheat, maize,
truffles, and other fruits of a cold climate ; here
are some fiocks of sheep, and of their wool are
made various woven articles. It is small, but never-
theless contains 23 families and 50 Indians. It
is a league and an half to the s. w. of Tunja, in
the road which leads from Leiba to Chiquinquira
and Velez, between the settlements of Samaca and

CUCHERO, San Antonio de, a settlement
of the province and government of Guanuco in
Peru ; situate at the source and head of the river

CUCHIGAROS, a barbarous nation of In-
dians, little known, who inhabit the shores of the
river Cuchigara, which enters the Maranon, and
is one of the largest of those which are tributary
to the same. The natives call it Purus ; it is na-
vigable, although in some parts abounding with
large rocky shoals, and is filled with fish of dif-
ferent kinds, as also with tortoises ; on its shores
grow maize and other fruits : besides the nation
aforesaid, it has on its borders those of the Gti-
maiaris, Guaquiaris, Cuyaeiyayanes, Curucurus,
Quatausis, Mutuanis, and Curigueres ; these last
are of a gigantic stature, being 16 palms high.
They are very valorous, go naked, have large
pieces of gold in their nostrils and ears ; their set-
tlements lie two long months’ voyage from the
mouth of the river.

CUCHILLO, San Pedro del, a settlement
of the mission which is held by the religious order
of St. Francis, in the precinct of New Mexico.

CUCHILLO, with the addition of Parado, ano-
ther settlement of the missions of the province of
Taraumara, and kingdom of Nueva Vizcaya ;
situate on the shore of the river Conchos.

CUCHIN, a small river of the territory of
Cuyaba in Brazil. It runs n. and enters the
Camapoa; on its shore is a part called La Es-
tancia, through which the Portuguese are accus-
tomed to carry their canoes on their shoulders, in
order to pass from the navigation of this latter river
to that of the Matogroso.

CUCHIPIN, a small river of the same kingdom (Brazil)
and territory as the two former. It rises in the
mountains of the Caypos Indians, runs n. n» w. and
enters the Taquari.

CUCHIPO, a river of the kingdom of Brazil,
in the same territory as the former. It rises in the
mountains, and runs w.

CUCHIRIHUAY, a settlementof the province
and corregimiento of Chilques and Masques in
Peru ; annexed to the curacy of Pampachucho.

CUCHIUARA, or Cuckiguara, an island of
the province and country of Las Amazonas, in the
part possessed by the Portuguese. It is in the river
of its name, at the sama mouth by which it
enters the Maranon.

CICHIUERO, a river of the province and
government of Guayana or Nueva Andalucia. It
rises in the sierra of Mataguaida, runs n. and
enters the Ytari.

CUCHUMATLAN, a settlement of the king-
