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10 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 14, 2024 11:58 PM



really so fine an animal? and if so why dont you get
a photograph of him and send me? If you will just send
me photos (good ones) of him and Molly's two year old
I will brag over the Sultans with them, and let him know
that when I finally go home I will want to take home
an Arab husband for that filly ^and I will send you a number more of photos. He is all at sea
because I have no fondness for his presents. He wanted
to give me his fine 4 year old dappled grey Arab stud,
who he showed, the night he had the circus for me at
the palace. {small doodle} Hobar Pasha who Radolin had dismissed has
been reposted promoted to a Brigadier General by the German Army
Emperor in the regular German Army + stationed at Posen. He
only fell to rise higher ^Radolin must be furious. The weather here is now like our May.
Most of diplomats still on Bosphorus, awaiting repairs of their palaces
made necessary by the earthquake. I will try + get some
little scrivener to Lena before her marriage. Tell Lena I
will write to her this week.

I think you ought to be extremely prudent
in your financial matters. Look out for yourself. I have the
same necessities to aid others, that press on you -- except that
those who look to me are more helpless. We must think some of
the winter of age that approaches fast, + provide for ourselves.
I love you Minerva always and think of you daily. May
God in his mercy shield and preserve you.

Affectionately A. W. Terrell



really so fine an animal? and if so why dont you get
a photograph of him and send me? If you will just send
me photos (good ones) of him and Molly's two year old
I will brag over the Sultans with them, and let him know
that when I finally go home I will want to take home
an Arab husband for that filly ^and I will send you a number more of photos. He is all at sea
because I have no fondness for his presents. He wanted
to give me his fine 4 year old dappled grey Arab stud,
who he showed, the night he had the circus for me at
the palace. {small doodle} Hobar Pasha who Radolin had dismissed has
been reposted promoted to a Brigadier General by the German Army
Emperor in the regular German Army + stationed at Posen. He
only fell to rise higher ^Radolin must be furious. The weather here is now like our May.
Most of diplomats still on Bosphorus, awaiting repairs of their palaces
made necessary by the earthquake. I will try + get some
little scrivener to Lena before her marriage. Tell Lena I
will write to her this week.

I think you ought to be extremely prudent
in your financial matters. Look out for yourself. I have the
same necessities to aid others, that press on you -- except that
those who look to me are more helpless. We must think some of
the winter of age that approaches fast, + provide for ourselves.
I love you Minerva always and think of you daily. May
God in his mercy shield and preserve you.

Affectionately A. W. Terrell