empties into Chesapeak bay, at Love point. It forms
an island at its mouth, and by acbannel on the e. side
of Kent island, communicates with. Eastern bay.
It is proposed to cut a canal, about 1 1 miles long,
from Andover creek, a mile and a half from
Bridgetown to Salisbury, on Upper Duck creek,
which falls into Delaware at Hook island.)
(Chester, a small town in Shannandoah county,
Virginia, situate on the point of land formed by
the junction of Allen’s or North river and South
river, which form the Shannandoah ; 16 miles s.
by w. of Winchester. Lat. 39° 4' n. Long.
78° 25' w.)
(Chester County, in Pinckney district, South
Carolina, lies in the s.e. corner of the district, on
W ateree river, and contains 6866 inhabitants ; of
whom 5866 are whites, and 938 slaves. It sends
two representatives, but no senator, to the state
(Chester, a town in Cumberland county, Vir-
ginia ; situate on the s. w. bank of James river,
15 miles n. of Blandford, and six s. of Rich-
(CHESTERFIELD, a township in Hampshire
county, Massachusetts, 14 mites w. of Northamp-
ton. It contains 180 houses, and 1183 inha-
(Chesterfield, a township in Cheshire county.
New Hampshire, on the e. bank of Connecticut
river, having Westmoreland n. and Hinsdale s.
It was incorporated in 1752, and contains 1905 in-
habitants. It lies about 25 miles s. by w. of
Charlestown, and about 90 or 100 w. of Ports-
mouth. About the year 1730, the garrison of
fort Dummer was alarmed with frequent explosions,
and with columns of fire and smoke, emitted from
W est River mountain in th is township , and four miles
distant from that fort. The like appearances have
been observed at various times since ; particularly,
one in 1752 was the most severe of any. There
are two places where the rocks bear marks of hav-
ing been heated and calcined.)
(Chesterfield County, in South Carolina, is
in Cheraws district, on the North Carolina line. It
is about 30 mites long, and 29 broad.)
Chesterfield County, in Virginia, is between
James and Appamatox rivers. It is about 30
miles long, and 25 broad ; and contains 14,214
inhabitants, including 7487 slaves.)
(Chesterfield Inlet, on the w. side of Hud-
son’s bay, in New South Wales, upwards of 200
miles in length, and from 10 to 30 in breadth ; full
of islands.)
(CHESTERTOWN, a post-town and the capi-
tal of Kent county, Maryland, on the w. side of
Chester river, 16 miles s.w. of Georgetown, 38
e. by s. from Baltimore, and 81 s.w. of Philadel*
phia. It contains about 140 houses, a church,
college, court-house, and gaol. The college was
incorporated in 1782, by the name of Washing-
ton. It is under the direction of 24 trustees, who
are empowered to supply vacancies and hold,
estates, whose yearly value shall not exceed 6000/.
currency. In 1787 it had a permanent fund of
1250/. a year settled upon it by law. Lat. 39° 12'
n. Long. 76° 10' cc;.)
CHETIMACHAS, a river of the province and
government of Louisiana. It is an arm of the
Mississippi, which runs s. e. and enters the sea on
the side of the bay of Asuncion or Ascension. [On
the Chetiraachas, six leagues from the Mississippi,
there is a settlement of Indians of the same name ;
and thus far it is uniformly 100 yards broad, and
from two to four fathoms cleep, vfhen the water is
lowest. Some drifted logs have formed a shoal at
its mouth on the Mississippi ; but as the water is
deep under them they could be easily removed;
and the Indians say there is nothing to impede na-
vigation from their village to the gulf. The banks
are more elevated than those of the Mississippi, and
in some places are so high as never to be over-
flowed. The natural productions are the same as
on the Mississippi, but the soil, from the extraordi-
nary size and compactness of the canes, is supe-
rior. If measures were adopted and pursued with
a view to improve this communication, there would
soon be on its banks the most prosperous and im-
portant settlements in that colony.)
(Chetimachas, Grand Lake of, in Loui-.
siana, near the mouth of the Mississippi, is 24
miles long, and nine broad. Lake de Portage,
which is 13 miles long, and If broad, commu-
nicates with this lake at the n. end, by a strait
a quarter of a mile wide. The country bor-
dering on these lakes is low and flat, timbered with
cypress, live and other kinds of oak ; and on the
€. side, the land between it and the Chafalaya river
is divided by innumerable streams, which occa-
sion as many islands. Some of these streams are*
navigable. A little distance from the s. e. short?
of the lake Chetimachas, is an island where per-
sons passing that way generally halt as a resting
place. Nearly opposite this island there is an
opening which leads to the sea. It is about 150
yards wide, and has 16 or 17 fathoms water.)
CHETO, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Luya and Chillaos in Peru ; to
the curacy of which is annexed the extensive val-
ley of Huaillabamba, in the province of Chncha-