CHACOS, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Tarma in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Huariaca.
CHACOTA,a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Aricá in Peru ; situate close to the
Quebada de Victor.
CHACRALLA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Lucanas in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Abucara.
CHACRAPAMPA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Andahuailas in Peru ; annex-
ed to the curacy of Huayama.
CHACTAHATCHE, a river of S. Carolina,
which runs s. and enters the Chicachas.
CHACTAW, a settlement and capital of the
Indian district of this name in Louisiana, in which
the French had a fort and establishment. (The
Chactaws, or Flat-heads, are a powerful, hardy,
subtle, and intrepid race of Indians, "vpho inhabit
a very fine and extensive tract of hilly country,
with large and fertile plains intervening, between
the Alabama and Mississippi rivers, and in the w.
part of the state of Georgia. This natioti had,
not many years ago, 43 towns and villages, in
three divisions, containing 12,123 souls, of which
4041 were fighting men. They are called by the
traders Flat-heads, all the males having the fore
and hind part of their skulls artificially flattened
when young. These men, unlike the Muscogul-
ges, are slovenly and negligent in every part of
their dress, but otherwise are said to be ingenious,
sensible, and virtuous men, bold and intrepid, yet
quiet and peaceable. Some late travellers, how-
ever, have observed that they pay little attention
to the most necessary rules of moral conduct, at
least that unnatural crimes were too frequent among
them. Dift'erent from most of the Indian nations
bordering on the United States, they have large
plantations or country farms, where they employ
much of their time in agricultural improvements,
after the manner of the Avhite people. Although
their territories are not one-fburth so large as those
of the Muscogulge confedraey, the number of in-
habitants is greater. The Chactaws and Creeks
are inveterate enemies* to each other. There are
a considerable number of these Indians on the w.
side of the Mississippi, who have not been home
for several years. A bout 12 miles above the post
at Oachcta on that river, there is a small village
of them of about 30 men, who have lived there for
several years, and made corn ; and likewise on
Bayau Chico, in the n. part of the district of
Appalousa, there is another village of them of
about fifty men, who have been there for about
nine years, and say they have the governor of
Louisiana’s permission to settle there. Besides
these, there are rambling hunting parties of them
to be met with all over Lower Louisiana. They
are at war with the Caddoques, and liked by
. neither red nor white people.)
(Chactaw Hills, in the n. w. corner of Georgia
(CHACTOOS, Indians of N. America, who
live on Bayau Boeuf, about 10 miles to the s. of
Bayau Rapide, on Red river, towards Appalousa ;
a small, honest people ; are aborigines of the
country where they live; of men about 30 ; di-
minishing; have their own peculiar tongue;
speak Mobilian. The lands they claim on Bayau
Bceuf are inferior to no part of Louisiana in depth
and richness of soil, growth of timber, pleasant-
ness of surface, and goodness of water.. The
Bayau Bceuf falls into the Chaffeli, and discharges
through Appalousa and Attakapa into Vermilion
CHACURIES, a settlement of the jurisdiction
of the city of Pedraga, in the Nuevo Reyno de
Granada, is of the missions which were held there
of the order of St. Domingo. It is but small, and
its climate is hot.
(CHADBOURNE’S River, district of Maine,
called by some Great Works river, about 30 miles
from the mouth of the Bonnebeag pond, from
which it flows. It is said to have taken its latter
name from a mill with 18 saws, moved by one
wheel, erected by one Lodors. But the project
was soon laid aside. The former name is derived
from Mr. Chadbourne, one of the first settlers,,
who purchased the land on the mouth of it, of the
natives, and whose posterity possess it at this day.)
CHAGONAMIGON, a point on the s. coast
of lake Superior, in New France.
CHAGRE, a large and navigable river of the
province and government of Panamá in the king-
dom of Tierra Firme, has its origin and source
in the mountains near the valley of Pacora, and
takes its course in various directions, making
many windings, which are called randa/es, until it
enters the N. sea. It is navigated by large vessels
called chatas, (having no keels), up as far as the
settlement of Cruces, where is the wharf for un-
lading, and the royal custom-houses ; the greater
part of the commerce being conducted by this
means, to avoid the obstacles occurring from a bad
and rocky road from Portobeloto Panama. It has
different forts for the defence of its entrance ; the
first is the castle of its name, at the entrance or
mouth ; the second is that of Gatun, situate upon
a long strip of land formed by a river of this name ;
and the third is that of Trinidad, situate in a simb