der of Santiago, a commander of tlie galleons; he
was deposed and sent to Spain for having married
without a licence; and in his place the audience of
Santa Fe nominated as provisional governor,
32. Don Francisco Rexe Corbalan, until arrived
the right owner in,
33. Don Clemente Soriano, colonel of militia,
in 1616 ; he died in the following year.
34. Don Pedro Zapata, colonel of militia, of the
order of Santiago ; nominated as governor jyro
tempore in 1648.
35. Don Fernando de la Riva Agiicro, of the
order of Santiago, a field-officer, being governor
of Puertorico ; he entered Cartagena in 1649, and
was promoted to the presidency of Panama in
36. Don Pedro Zapata, twice nominated as pro-
prietor in the aforesaid year ; but dying, his place
was filled pro tempore by,
37. Don Francisco Rexe Corbalan.
38. Don Juan Perez de Guzman, of the habit
of Santiago, a field-officer, and governor of An-
tioquia ; nominated provisionally, and afterwards
appointed to the government of Puertorico.
39. Don Diego de Portugal, colonel of militia,
knight of the order of Alcantara; nominated in
1659, through the circumstance of Don Fernando
Agiiero being appointed governor of Cartagena in
40. The Licentiate Don Manuel Martin de Pa-
lomeque, nominated by the king ; he afterwards
became oidor of St. Domingo.
41 . Don Juan Perez de Guzman, the second time
nominated as proprietor; he entered in 1661, and
was removed to the presidency of Panama in 1664.
42. Don Benito de Figueroa Barrantes, of the
habit of Alcantara, a field-officer ; he went as go-
vernor of Larache in Africa in 1665, and from
thence to be president of Panama.
43. Don Joseph Sanchez Xiraenez, who was
governor of the island of Santa Catalina, nomi-
nated to this government, which he did not exer-
cise, having been found poniarded and killed in
his bed.
44. Don Antonio de Vergara Azearate, knight
of the order of Santiago, nominated previously
in 1668.
45. Don Pedro de Ulloa Ribadeneyra, of the
onler of Santiago ; nominated in 1669.
46. Don Joseph Daza, general of the artillery.
47. Don Rafael Caspir y Sanz, colonel of mi-
litia, native of Tortosa, nominated in 1678 ; in
whose time happened those weighty disputes with
the bishop Don Antonio de Benavides; he was
succeeded by,
48. Don Juan de Pando y Estrada, a field-of-
ficer ; w ho took possession in 1684.
49. Don Martin de Ceballos y la Cerda, in 1686.
50. Don Diego de los Rios, a field-officer ; in
his time happened the sacking and taking of Car-
tagena by the French, in 1695.
51. Don Juan Diaz Pimienta, knight of the
order of Caltrava, a field-officer, gentleman of the
cluamberto the Emperor Leopold, of the house of
the Marquises of Villareal, noted for his valour
and military conduct in the siege of Buda, where
he was wounded ; nominated as governor to con-
sole the afflicted natives of Cartagena, taking with
him a certain number of Spansih troops from the
kingdom of Galicia ; he entered in 1696, died
in 1706.
52. Don Joseph de Zuniga y la Cerda, of no
less credit than the former ; he was governor of
Florida at the time that he w'as elected to this, in
1712, and which he exercised until 1718, when
he returned to Spain in the unlucky fleet of Anto-
nio Ubilla, which was lost in the channel of Baha-
ma, the frigate in which he sailed being the only
vessel saved.
53. Don Alberto de Bertodano, a renowned bri-
gadier in Flanders, where he had lost an arm in
action ; he was nominated in 1720, and exercised
the government until his death, in 1722.
54. Don Luis de Aponte, colonel of the regi-
ment of the crown, afterwards brigadier, an officer
of the greatest skill and renown of any in the
array ; he was nominated in 1723, and exercised
the government until his death.
55. Don Juan Joseph de Andia, Marquis of
Villaherraosa, brigadier-general; nominated through
the death of the general ; he entered Cartagena in
1712, and governed till 1730, when he was pro-
moted to the presidency of Panama.
56. Don Antonio de Salas, who had becui colo-
nel of the regiment of infantry of Saboya ; he e.u-
tered in 173i, and died in 1735.
57. Don Pedro Fidalgo, brigadier and captain
of the royal Spanish guards ; promoted to this go-
vernment in 1736 : he died in 1739.
58. Don Melchor de Navarrete, who was king^s
lieutenant ; he entered as provisional governor
through the death of the proprietor : in his time
the town was besieged by the English until the ar-
rival of the right owner,
59. Don Basilio de Gante ; who had risen <o the
rank of brigadier, at that time king’s lieutenant
of the fortified town of Ceuta, when he was pro-
moted to the government of this, in 1742 : he ex-
ercised it till 1739, when he returned to Spain.
60. Don Ignacio de Sala, lieutenant-general, ua-